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  1. jowo

    Fletching script

    I'll try if i have enough money to buy tons of yew logs + I'll update my script later on today.
  2. jowo

    Fletching script

    Okay thank you, i'll add more options of wood, a gui and maybe they can put in the sdn !
  3. jowo

    Fletching script

    I am not sure if I wrote enough antiban. It's in the fletching case so everytime my player is fletching he will do an antiban. My question is: Is this enough or shall i add more randoms/Antibans? Edited my post.
  4. jowo

    Fletching script

    Hi, this is my first script and It's fletching maple logs to maple longbows. My question is: is this script safe to use? Here is the code: UPDATE: 2/03/2014 Fixed: - Typing 28 when bank is still open - Added more antiban - Fixed bank error where script stopped TODO: - Adding more logs & options - GUI import org.osbot.script.Script; import org.osbot.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.script.rs2.ui.Tab; import org.osbot.script.rs2.utility.Area; import org.osbot.script.mouse.*; @ScriptManifest(author = "Jowo", info = "FletchingScript!", name = "Basic Fletcher", version = 1.1) public class FletchingWillows extends Script { private static final int[] Knife_ID = { 946}; private int irandomx; private int irandomy; private int irandomx2; private int irandomy2; private int Antibanx; private int Antibany; private int MouseRandomx; private int MouseRandomy; final int[] WBOW_ID = {62}; final int[] WILLOW_ID = {1517}; private static final Area Fletching_AREA = new Area(2586,3422, 2586,3418); private static final Area BANK_AREA = new Area(2586,3422, 2586,3418); private enum State { FLETCH, BANK }; public void start(){ log("Starting script"); } private State getState(){ if (client.getInventory().contains(66)&&(!myPlayer().isAnimating())){ return State.BANK; } else { return State.FLETCH; } } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch (getState()) { case FLETCH: if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { client.getInventory().interactWithId(946, "Use"); sleep(random(400, 500)); client.getInventory().interactWithId(1515, "Use"); sleep(random(600,2000)); irandomx=random(191,315); irandomy=random(373,403); client.moveMouseTo(new RectangleDestination(irandomx, irandomy, 10,10), false, true, true); sleep(random(500,600)); irandomx2=random(irandomx-45,irandomx+49); irandomy2=random(irandomy+67,irandomy+73); client.moveMouseTo(new RectangleDestination(irandomx2, irandomy2, 10,10), false, true, false); sleep(random(750,2000)); if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()&&(!client.getBank().isOpen())) { type("28"); } sleep(random(500,3000)); log("executing fletching"); if (myPlayer().isAnimating()) { log("Entering Antiban system"); switch(random(1,5)){ //Antibanx=3; //switch (Antibanx) { case 1: log("Case 1"); moveMouseOutsideScreen(); sleep(random(4000,60000)); log("Leaving antiban system"); break; case 2: log("Case 2"); client.rotateCameraPitch(random(1,120)); sleep(random(6000,8000)); log("Leaving antiban system"); break; case 3: log("Case 3"); openTab(Tab.SKILLS); Antibanx=random(611,668); Antibany=random(361,389); client.moveMouseTo(new RectangleDestination(Antibanx,Antibany, 10,10), false, false, false); sleep(random(7000,30000)); openTab(Tab.INVENTORY); log("Leaving antiban system"); break; case 4: log("Case 4"); MouseRandomx=random(10,725); MouseRandomy=random(5,490); client.moveMouseTo(new RectangleDestination(MouseRandomx,MouseRandomy, 10,10), false, false, false); sleep(random(5000,16000)); log("Leaving antiban system"); break; case 5: log("Case 5:"); sleep(random(35000,78000)); log("Leaving antiban system"); break; } } } break; case BANK: log("Banking"); RS2Object bank = closestObjectForName("Bank booth"); if (bank != null) { if (bank.interact("Bank")) { while (!client.getBank().isOpen()) sleep(random(250,350)); if (!client.getBank().isOpen()){ bank.interact("Bank"); } client.getBank().depositAll(66); sleep(random(200,450)); client.getBank().withdrawAll(1515); sleep(random(500,850)); client.getBank().close(); sleep(random(250,400)); if (client.getBank().isOpen()){ client.getBank().close(); log("Client bugged! Hersluiten van bank nu"); } switch(random(1,5)){ case 1: log("Coming into antiban of bank!"); client.moveMouseTo(new RectangleDestination(MouseRandomx,MouseRandomy, 10,10), false, false, false); sleep(random(350,700)); log("Leaving banking antiban"); break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: break; } log("Executing bank"); } } } return random(250,1000); } public void onExit(){ log("Thx for using this"); } }
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