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  1. Hey there dude. When using the Zulrah script, do you use your main? Also, what are your breaks like if you don't mind me asking.

  2. bigdem

    Stealth Quester

    Can't confirm but all my other scripts seem to be working fine now
  3. bigdem

    Stealth Quester

    ccould i get a re-trail? didnt get to use the script it as the update messed up the web walking thanks
  4. selling 31 pray, 60 attk zerker with FIRECAPE + HEAVY BALLISTA

    1. sneaky


      how much a/w and ect


    2. bigdem


      I rarely play rs anymore hence the hiatus - im open to reasonable offers (80m to buy cape at least ) so at least 150-200m for the account. aw will prob be 225m.

      Not really desperate but i just have the acc 

  5. bigdem

    Stealth Quester

    similar issue, script seems buggy and quests dont seem to start? logger doenst say anything..just trying out druidic ritual WONT WORK
  6. bigdem

    Stealth Quester

    ha can i get a trial now pls buddy
  7. bigdem

    Stealth Quester

    looks good, will ask for a trial later when im back from school if thats ok
  8. bigdem

    starter zerker

    kind of have a med level zerk for sale if interested check my thread
  9. Hey guys, Selling one of my accs as gold prices are really high at the moment. 60 attack zerker, with Full void, MM2 unlocked for heavy ballista, firecape, torso, 1m+ nmz points, slayer mask (i) unlocked. VENG is also unlocked 1) pic of stats 2) untradeables 3) NO BLACK MARKS ALL HAND TRAINED 4)Price bids starting 100m -- no autowin 5) I AM 00 of the email - this will be supplied/changed to yours. 6) login screen 7) add on skype :bigdemrs for quieres
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