Also, v0.26 + v0.27 are now live!! (I skipped a version)
Added z-plane support to Areas
Added manual method control
Fixed a lot of method formatting
Fixed Script Repository ordering (alphabetical)
Improved script performance
Added a new safety check for scripts with commented lines
Fixed #buyItems, #saleItems in Store to work with item ID’s
Fixed a substring bug if you had spaces in your code
Minor fixes
v0.24 is now live!
Added instance support
Added #showInstance to Paint
Added #type when creating Positions for instance support
Added #threadEating to Skills
Added #isSpellVisible, #isActionVisible to RS2Widgets
Added #isSpellSelectedForAutocast, #autocastSpell for both regular and defensive to Magic
Added RS2Widget caching to improve script performance
Fixed monitor handler to allow multiple threads
Removed a wilderness level check to #getPlayerCount in Wilderness
Yes I do trials, enjoy your trial!
Also, it's not just $22 for a script. it is a script that you can build just about anything with! Not to mention, it has its own built-in Script Repository with tons of free scripts already built.