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Everything posted by heshkilla

  1. Hey, Im looking to purchase a MAXED main (99 att, str, def, hp,) (96 magic and 94 range, 70 prayer, 80 herblore and 82+ slayer and at least +1750 or higher total level accomplished) almost a lot of the achievement diary done, very high slayer, hunter, fishing, mining, prayer, magic, runecrafting, and ranged levels. Maxed combat overall. I would also like the account to have full void Mage, range, and melee, as well as a fire cape and a dragon defender, atleast a couple hundred thousand nmz points in stock, The more untradeables the better. Thanks. Will be paying in a LOT OF $USD IF YOU READ AND COMPREHEND THE POST THAT I ONLY WANT A MAXED MAIN WITH BASICALLY MAXED STATS AND ATLEAST 1750 TOTAL LEVEL OR I WILL DECLINE
  2. Hey, Im looking to purchase a MAXED main (99 att, str, def, hp,) (96 magic and 94 range, 70 prayer, 80 herblore and 85 slayer and at least +1750 or higher total level accomplished) almost a lot of the achievement diary done, very high slayer, hunter, fishing, mining, prayer, magic, runecrafting, and ranged levels. Maxed combat overall. I would also like the account to have full void Mage, range, and melee, as well as a fire cape and a dragon defender, atleast a couple hundred thousand nmz points in stock, The more untradeables the better. Thanks. Will be paying in a LOT OF $USD IF YOU READ AND COMPREHEND THE POST THAT I ONLY WANT A MAXED MAIN WITH BASICALLY MAXED STATS AND ATLEAST 1750 TOTAL LEVEL OR I WILL DECLINE
  3. https://gyazo.com/7f4d29809993749ecaebd86de687ba54 Basically, a banned mod who goes by the name of "Basic" Banned me from being able to upload a profile picture to my OSBOT account because I had a picture of Kate upton as it.... A lot of other players at the time had similar profile pictures, even more explicit than mine was. I should be able to upload a profile picture. I have been trying to but it simply wont let me upload the picture. I dont understand why, the file isnt too big at all or anything the picture is small and it is a .jpg file ofcourse. I dont understand. Help me out here.
  4. Could i try a 24 hour trial whenever you get a chance?
  5. Hey guys, I've lost many mains due to botting, and i'd like to share my knowledge I've gained on how to NOT get banned anymore. Whether its a main, or a gold farmer. [1] - Always use a proxy. [2] - Bot for a MAXIUM 6 hours a day on a main, 9 on a gold farmer. [3] - When you're done botting on a main, go out and quest or train another skill which you cant bot. (Or, just bot a different skill) [4] - Change your break times DAILY. [5] If you're babysitting your bot, every so often take the time to input some human-like actions to decrease anti-ban, like going to your quest tab or stats or miss clicking, etc. These are my tips, if you've got any suggestions feel free to post them. Thanks.
  6. heshkilla

    Help a newfag

    Why dont you just select the layer you want to color and hide the others?
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