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Everything posted by Meditation4u

  1. For any beginners this would be great, love the guide
  2. suck it up buttercup , why not help the poor?? You selfish bastard!
  3. Meditation4u


    Thank you for all the updates Zach we appreciate them
  4. Both scripts look good Great job guys , But whats the point of the cat one who the fuck wants a cat anyway, XD
  5. What a beautiful script looks really profitable , Great job !!
  6. Just trying to upload some of my goals in the goals section i don't have that icon and i would show you but i cant upload pictures
  7. There a rhythm you gotta follow i figured it all out ;)
  8. So i had no idea where to put this post so ill just put it here So i was having difficulties uploading pictures onto the forums and i was wondering if the is a size too big to be able to upload because all my pictures are either too big or its glitched I was trying to uploading the same picture i was trying to upload yesterday
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