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  1. It was added because a certain someone was spamming about purchasing items, then when told to stop by the CBA's, he argued that there wasn't a rule against item, so I guess they decided to just stop the buying/selling of items all together to avoid any issues like that one. I support the idea, as long as it's 30 minutes apart, I don't see there being an issue with it.
  2. Maybe, maybe not. We're not quite sure what all they're doing with accounts ending up in those servers. Punishment/monitoring/etc.
  3. I think it keeps things more organized. Otherwise, you really don't ever know what's going on.
  4. I play Brawl a lot. I've played in a few local tournaments, but nothing major. Favorite and best character by far: Ness.
  5. I agree with with Mikasa, train it up a bit and then put it at the druids. It really depends on what type of account you want. We can't make that decision for you.
  6. So, I'm quite interested in learning about graphic design, however, I don't really know the first thing about it. I'd eventually like to make a career out of it if I can get good enough at it. My question to you is; What would it take to become a graphic designer? Any certain coding? Maybe just professional use of things like PhotoShop? Where do I even begin? If you were applying for a job in this field, what kind of experience would you need under your belt? Thanks for reading.
  7. To remain on the safe side, I'd keep it to yourself.
  8. It's nothing new they've implemented, that's for sure. It's a client-issue.
  9. McNasty

    Forum rank rework

    Nice thread, I agree. +1
  10. McNasty


    Very nice, mate.
  11. McNasty

    rate sig #2

    I think it looks pretty good.
  12. McNasty

    rate sig

    I actually like the third. I'm a black/white kinda guy.
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