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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Khaleesi


    Yap they will provide more stuff in events. Your plan was a good try ;)
  2. Hello!! Welcome and have fun!
  3. Ok thx! Will update this issues this evening after my job. Mind adding me on skype?: khaleesi.bot Also easier to give me some details about some of the bugs. Khaleesi
  4. Script updated to V0.12: - Nature shop method has been changed to use the NPC instead. Abyss: - Obstacles got fixed, will interact right now - A new glory will be taken if needed Need to be done - the running in safe zones (Osbot methods willr un automatically, making it impossible to turn it off, will submit a error report for this) - food support in abyss - anti-pk ( didn't get killed once running script for 12 hours??) - emergency teleport - Energy pots support in abyss Next update will be soon! Khaleesi
  5. Try to put everything in a statements, so only 1 action gets ran every loop. For example: if(inventory.isFull()){ if(inbank){ if(bank.isopen){ bank.depositAll(); }else{ //open bank } }else{ //walk bank } }else{ //whatever u have to do } This is way easier to debugg if anything goes wrong and doesn't take as much errors/ memory. Goodluck
  6. Hello, Thx for the feedback, since abyss just got released there needs to be stuff fixed/ updated I'll keep those in mind. I heard about the NPC at the general store and i'll update this soon! I really do appreciate the time you spend for this post. Khaleesi
  7. Npc contact is added to the script. Or what do you mean exactly?
  8. what settings are you using? like pouches? food? teleport?
  9. Open the client, and it should show up in the client. Got it?
  10. Might consider this xD I'm pretty sure if you make a ccoutn called: Emma watson or Arianna grande and spam: Give me 10 mill for free striptease! You'll be rich within the hour ^^
  11. I guess that's actually possible after all xD You just need 3 more inventory spots for the runes. But you can bring all the pouches instead. But I guess only high lvls got the pouches right? xD You shoul ddo natures abyss anyway when you want to have a decent profit/hour Khaleesi
  12. Trade with caution? How did u get it?
  13. This .swf files killing me .... geez
  14. Hmm, ya could be a 1 time glitch ... Great to hear it's running smooth now ^^
  15. They are mostly looking at new accounts ... Try to create it and play a bit then wait a week. Seems to be less banns after a week ^^
  16. I think you need to make a service thread with yout TOS and stuff... It's explained somewhere I believe ^^
  17. Np Great to hear! Great to hear it runs good now, when did it spamm click your feet? Was it wile interacting with an object or walking to something particular? Khaleesi
  18. I'll add potions later later on Didn't think of bringing food in abyss :p How are u planning to repair the pouches while doing natures? Going to bring runes for NPC contact? Khaleesi
  19. I thikbn hes looking for when a player is interacting with a object. Like chopping a tree, if it's possible to get the gameobject by doing myplayer.getinteracting() Right?
  20. Ya me too ... maybe hes still using an older version... I didn't had the issue anymore though
  21. Spam clicking the feet is a known client issue, i've posted this issue more then 3 times in the error section. I pused another update this morning for the rough wall issue. Wait till this has been pushed to the SDN V0.09: - Fixed issue with interaction rough wall EDIT: Update your client to latest version! Khaleesi
  22. Script updated to V0.08: - faster and smarter interaction at Seers rooftop Khaleesi
  23. Updated script to V0.11 - Added abyss - Glory or house tab mode (requires mounted glory) - all pouches - all obstacles (make sure to equip right item) Notive that this is a alpha release and errors can occur. Please keep me up to date! Khaleesi
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