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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. I guess I got nothing to lose ... hmm
  2. This doesn't matter, since you can initiliaze with just {} behind your declaration ;) If you initialize it later on you have to do it this way Recheck your imports Use the osbot import instead Khaleesi
  3. such doge ^^ Don't steal my .. plz
  4. hehe -_- Only do quests legit, since I need them for some of my scripts -_-
  5. Please make tutorial, already got my D*ck stuck in ceiling fan once because bad instructions
  6. Script has been updated to V0.20: - Script now uses new widget system
  7. Script has been update to V0.08: - Works with new Widget system
  8. Khaleesi


    haha could be You can alos just ask me on skype if you got troubles ^^ No way I'm going to change this in all my script at maybe 100 positions -_- They better get this fixed asap :p
  9. Script updated to V0.04: - Working with new Widget system
  10. Khaleesi


    Why use this then: new String[] { "Bones" } That only gets generated by JAD decompiler xD Just use "Bones" instead?
  11. Khaleesi


    if(bank.isOpen()){ //bank }else{ bank.open() } Is easier?
  12. Khaleesi


    thats because de decompiled a .class fiel fo someone ;) Not sure what you are trying to do here, why a widget check?
  13. Not really, thx for pointing out anyway. Well you obviously have no idea how to bot Botting 8 hours is just supidly long, maybe try 2 hour with 1-2 hours break. What skill did you bot in the first place? If it was woodcutitng,fishing, mining, agility, combat stop crying your accounts got banned, since you should know it is a quick bann. Don't bot accounts you don't want to risk.
  14. only new accounts gets banned so quick, old account last so long ;)
  15. I can't fix this error. This is a client related issue I'll get everything fixed what I can
  16. Currently the client is having troubles with the new interfaces. This could be the issue on all the things you said. I'll have to update the script to the new client this evening! Will keep you posted ;) In about 1 hour I'm home from work, I'll check skype then! Khaleesi
  17. Hey nice to some new scripters! Did you code the Walking class yourself?
  18. Ya it should brake almost all of the scripts using interfaces atleast now the interfaces will work, instead 50% of them with what interface where u interacting?
  19. Ya should be built in
  20. Great to hear I'm on my work atm ... I'll check out what the problem is onec I got home ;)
  21. the most pll who gets lured are actually retarded I guess... Why do risky stuff in the first place?
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