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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. is your screen mode set to fixed? Whats the script status when idling? Khaleesi
  2. there will be an game update in approx 17 hours
  3. Read first post plz Then why are you not using the bug report template and give me the info I request? tested it few hours ago for over an hour on mirror client. Khaleesi
  4. Looks like I need format the TTL some better ... xD 2562047788015 hours is bit too much (292 mill years) to get lvl from 33-34 strenght
  5. czar is just too strong ... Gaining 500 lvls in about an hour
  6. he will fix it most likely ^^ Else I'll have to find him and kill him ... :p
  7. Thx ;) I'll have to beat up my GFX guy now. @Making Rice I'm coming for you bro ;)
  8. Hmm that's a very odd issue. The script prefers spinners > portals though. Atleast when no brawlers are around. Can you try restarting the client and try again? or did you check "Only attack monsters"" ? Khaleesi
  9. Script updated to V0.03: - Added normal butler - Added demon butler - Improved banking EDIT: Updated script to V0.04: - Added rimmington unnoting clay support - Improved NPC chatting Updates should be live in about 4-5 hours. EDIT2: Updated script to V0.05: - Fixed issue with some calculations Should fix the issues with the butlers. Enjoy! Khaleesi
  10. no wonder, you are not using mirror ... If you are running goldfarming script you should atleast have mirror to survive a couple of days ... Goldfarm skills have high bann rate. Khaleesi
  11. Well try running them both for an hour? ;)
  12. Iron bars are not worth ;) Steel is the best ^^
  13. Ya mirror mode is supported ^^
  14. works perfectly fine for me: If you are using .61 version of mirror, you are experiecing issues with the mirror. Khaleesi
  15. 20$ unlimited and lifetime
  16. Yes should be soon, something went wrong last night with update last night. Here is a little proggie with NORMAL butler: DEMON butler: Looks pretty maxed out too me Khaleesi
  17. Did you even start the mirror in the right way? http://osbot.org/forum/topic/72936-how-to-fix-scripts-not-starting-properly-in-mirror-mode/
  18. Been said before a few times.... Should have listened and you would be 34$ richer ;)
  19. Enjoy, Use right topic next time plz
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