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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Try to make like 2-3 at a time and wait an hour or so to make a few again. As soon as you made too much same IP every acc will be chainbanned
  2. Sure have fun That's awesome mate! I'm glad you loved it ^^
  3. Atleast 50-60 to be any decent
  4. Scripts don't get flagged, only you can get flagged if you made too many on 1 IP. As soon as you make too much, every thing will be banned what you made So get some proxies or whatever
  5. why not use the break system of osbot? Just let it break for a veyr long time after 2 hours. enjoy Ya restarting the client should have fixed it Glad you like it
  6. Enjoy I'll take a look at it ^^
  7. Contact him on his script topic or send him a message
  8. All activated! Thx man Appreciated! Got it fixed by now? Script updated to V0.22: - Fixed few typos in the loot list. Should be online in a few hours ^^ Khaleesi
  9. This only happends with addy bars or with others aswell?
  10. Hmm that's weird, do you have breaks enabled or something?
  11. You are the best Make a proper bug report here if you think it's broken. http://osbot.org/forum/forum/102-client-bugs-suggestions/
  12. Like it says: Out of pure essence ^^ Buy some pure essence and it will work
  13. If we would only know how their detection works we would be millionairs by now... Don't bother asking, because barely anybody knows anything about it
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