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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Glad to hear it's fixed! sorry for the inconvenience!
  2. No more trials on this script
  3. Trolls tronhold works fine for me, make sure you actually teleport to the troll stronghold else it won;t be able to reach it. Ya I;m aware wiht something is oging on with the weeds regrowing issue, will check it out Added them I will log out by default to wait for the first patch to be grown.
  4. Fixed in V1.18, should be live in a bit
  5. Ya some changes were doing to the walking, will have a fix pending asap!
  6. AVG, Norton, ... are all malware on their own nowadays if you ask me that show a shitload of false positives Windows defender that comes with windows is probably a lot more reliable at this point... Get rid of that junk and def not pay for it xD Not living in 1995 anymore
  7. Enjoy! impossible to say as there are so many factors nowadays
  8. Not giving any more trials Ya it's on my todo list but it should not die in the first place, increase eat % if you don;t have a bone weapon yet ^^
  9. very strange, will check it out!
  10. You always have to use the OSBots data folder, scripts can only access inside that folder. Just copy over the stuff you need to the osbot/data folder? C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\OSBot\Data
  11. The webwalker does not support this ring as it's charges that can;t be seen. So will have to take a look at that Ya there is no support for gricollers can at this point, watering plants is actually never used I believe. will also have to take a look at that
  12. Have fun! Khal Scurrius updated to V1.10: - Added leave instance prevention until scurrius is looted - Updated breakmanager to wait for a break when in combat/looting after combat Live soon! Enjoy!
  13. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/168724-khal-chompy-hunter/
  14. Will take a look at it EDIT: Added in V1.45
  15. Welcome to the real money! Enjoy
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