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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Khal Shopper (All in One) updated to V1.05: - Added more advanced hopping options - Added Opening packs - Added menu invokes Live soon! Enjoy
  2. I'm not sure, but as far as I know birdhouses can't be full with something?
  3. Should never be an issue, check the logger for potentionally more info
  4. Not sure what you mean by this, use the bone weapon. Every other weapon is worse in there No trials on this script
  5. hmm will take a look at that anyway!
  6. Can't be overleveled for this tbh, exp rates scale pretty high on almost maxed acc The bone weapon is Best in slot
  7. You already have an expired trial on this script
  8. ohhhh! Now I get what you mean. Ya I cache the players weapon onstart thats equipped, so I know to what it has to switch back after a spec. It should always take fires and nature though, never seen ti skip any of it still having this issue?
  9. Not atm, I'm working on it but still tweaking it a bit
  10. Will check it out! EDIT: Working just fine
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