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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Impossible to answer it completely depends what you bot, how you bot, what breaks you use, injection vs mirror mode. But F2p bann rates are always higher then P2p
  2. No it does not atm I can take a look to add it, banking by using the trading stick right?
  3. Khal mort Myre update to V1.31: - Added workaround for minimap click Will be live in a few hours! Enjoy!
  4. Depends, if brawler are near it won't prioritize else it might keep spamm clicking them for no reason
  5. Wel it's more a slow detection of the client that is the issues here. it still thinks it has a ring equipped until you open the equipment tab Restart mirror mode, can sometims trip pretty bad on item loading Will take a look if I can somehow add something to prevent this
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