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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Just tested, doesn't seem any issues for me. Just make sure you have them enabled in the GUI.
  2. That's unfortunate, Ya always use afk/idle modes. helps a lot for banns
  3. Have you restarted mirror mode since latest client update?
  4. Should be fixed in a few hours, Version V1.94
  5. Yes thanks a lot! I will check this out!
  6. Make sure you have java 8 installed and remove the newer version If that doesn't do the trick, also run Jarfix once
  7. uhm could be a thing, but the exp/h is a lot slower, in ferox you have to walk a part aswell
  8. Uhm I'm not sure if I understand this correctly. Can you maybe alloborate the issue some more?
  9. I see , well usually there aren't too many people at the bot side though.
  10. Mirror client was bugged until a few min ago, so restart it Also using paste while being on mirror mode won't do any good, mirror is too slow to click that fast. You are better off just chopping the kraken
  11. Strange, can you share of DM me an image of the breakmanager settings you are using? or send it to me on discord if possible
  12. ya waiting for an update on mirror client of osbot ... They are working on it, so should be soon I guess
  13. Hmm, It's set to stay away for about 2 tiles at this point. it could get closer at some points if you and a player both mine to eachother. Problem is if I put it too high it might not fid a suitable place to mine, what do you think? There is currently a mirror client issue where the client isn't able to detect or interact with a lot of objects, hoping for a fix asap!
  14. Glad to hear! if you have suggestions let me know
  15. This only happends on mirror mode though, injection doesn't have any issues.
  16. Devs are looking into it today, so hopefully today!
  17. Enjoy! Ya need to wait for a client update after todays update, there issues loading objects atm
  18. Ya need to wait for a client update after todays update, there issues loading objects on mirror mode atm
  19. Just restart your client if it does stuff like that. Make sure to hook mirror properly, don't log the account in before starting the mirror client. Also worth mentioning that the client is still broken after todays update, so got to wait for an update on that part If you fletch you should get around 750 points. Without fletching 500 is the goal
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