Since we all know that this forum will soon have over 1000 members and most of them work at RSPS.
R-S is horrible and needs to die already
We also need a forum shoutbox like inferno shoutbox that is popular on vbulletin
Hopefully developers gain early access to the bot to develop many scripts before the official release of OSBot, so when the bot first gets released there will many scripts available to use!
Make sure that there is offline mode so that any ****** that tries to DDOS this website won't take down the bots. (Mainly that is why they DDOS in the first place to take down the bots that require you to have login like wbot).
Damn, that looks nice. You should add an auto typer to this bot for selling and such, people would use this as a desktop client like I usually do to other bots.
Hey, you should let me beta test the bot
OT: I could take the time and develop a woodcutting script, I've made one for wbot that got my woodcutting level from 55-82 perfectly but I haven't released it.