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  1. any idea if/when blood/soul rc will be added?
  2. support for barrows teleport tabs and banking at like...clanwars? also renews prayer if teleporting from inside white portal
  3. you completely missed my question about the script having support for blood/soul runes or not.. ;(
  4. support for blood runes/astral with and without abyss tele method?
  5. sorry, its just after multiple attempts, i did think you were ignoring them. but everything looks good so far, below are the changes i think would help for respective altars Astral- when banking, currently if using multiple pouches (requiring the bank to open multiple times per trip) the script moves one banker to the west, each time. Ex. first banks on middle banker, fills pouches, then moves to the west banker to fill up invi before leaving to altar. every single time (which i dont think humans do) ~using birds-eye jack ONLY would be a good option, as legit runecrafters ONLY use him. why? most are able to bank with him and not need the seal of passage (add a check box maybe? ) Law rune-are pretty good as it stands (sorry) The MAIN big improvment i would like to see in the script is quicker banking/clicking @ altars. currently, the script clearly awaits till the character model is idle at the altar, before entering, same goes for crafting the runes. it just stops a few sq's away, and a few seconds later moves on to the next action. thanks for the reply, hope this helped clear up things
  6. still no reply from script writer on astral/law rune improvements *sigh*
  7. it would be nice since its a really really good way to improve the script. Pleaseeeee
  8. Could you please update astral method with the following updates 1. use tele(group) to lunar isle, this spawns 2-5 tiles closer to the bank. 2. randomize the banker used OR use ONLY the booth furthest to the east, ('bird's-eye' jack) allowed you to bank without wearing the seal of passage. . currently you must wear the seal, and it only banks at the furthest banker to the west, which nobody who's rcing ever uses. Much appreciated, hope you agree and add them
  9. the full rune is likely what is getting you killed, people are maybe freezing you? even with your def lvl you should be okay with d hide+ a rune kite/mith pickaxe...
  10. i dont know what people mean by the banking not working, seems to work fine for me, also seems to be taking random items from the bank less. only problem i have now is how slow it is to make the actual runes when in the altar/npc contact still takes multiple tries sometimes =/
  11. I dont think its lag, could be but from what i am seeing everything is going perfect till the script clicks the bank chest too early, i dont know why but it just does it over and over and sometimes it'll work on the 2nd try, but never the first. sometimes it'll keep retrying, eating up my runes till i eventually jump in and do that bit myself
  12. not going to be using the script much till NPC contact is fixed...i honestly don't know what you are doing for it to work perfectly for you, but i just watched it click the bank too early into the dialog 8 times before i just did it myself...come on
  13. me too, first i kept everything in the first tab, but it would grab items from the one under it, now i keep everything in one standalone tab, along with runes for npc contact, still manages to grab an air rune or cosmic every now and then for no reason besides spazz clicking as far as i can see
  14. as well as maybe reworking the banking (fills the pouches in the same order, every time, withdraws random items at times), a good QOL update imo would be to add an option to bank the ring of dueling when its at 1 charge left. As you can use these up quickly, they make a great alch-item to recover a bit of the cost of buying them.. I can't see anyone really being against this so please consider it.
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