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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar


    Thanks. Things seem to be going smoothly, just about to add support for buying food nearby.
  2. Czar


    Just about to begin testing in a moment, gotta get the stuff ready :p
  3. CzarWarriorGuild v1.3 Main features: - Banking added - Animator support for all armours - Goes upstairs to kill Cyclops once reaches certain amount of tokens - Systematically upgrades defenders after each one, up to rune. Small features: - Full dialogue support - Bank Item searching support To-do: - Failsafe animated armour attacking (finding out which npc is yours) - Potion support - Buying food/pots from shops - Other methods of getting tokens (is this necessary?) - Bone burying - Anti-ban of some sort This script so far is untested. The entire code is written and its all ready for debugging. I will begin code optimization once the code has been tested. Please post some comments and suggestions below!
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