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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Oo thanks mate, I didn't know.
  2. import java.awt.Graphics2D; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.EquipmentSlot; @ScriptManifest(author = "edoggydogg", info = "Welcome to my very first script!", logo = "", name = "eIron", version = 0.1) public class main extends Script { Position GOODAREA = new Position(random(3683, 3686), random(3478, 3480), 0); Position BANKAREA = new Position(random(3687, 3690), random(3466, 3469), 0); // code used on start public void onStart() { log("Welcome to eIron."); log("Please begin the script in Port P. Bank"); log("If any problems occur, please report them to me."); camera.toTop(); camera.moveYaw(random(1, 5)); } private enum state { BADAREA, GOODAREA, SMELT, WAIT, BANKAREA, BANK }; public state getState() { if (inventory.isEmpty()) return state.BANK; if (inventory.onlyContains(2351)) return state.BANK; if (inventory.onlyContains(440)) return state.SMELT; return state.BANK; } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch (getState()) { case SMELT: localWalker.walk(GOODAREA); if (inventory.onlyContains(440)) { objects.closest(24009).interact("Smelt"); sleep(random(1000, 2000)); mouse.move(random(130, 170), random(400, 440)); mouse.click(random(130, 170), random(400, 440), true); sleep(random(1000, 2000)); mouse.move(random(130, 170), random(471, 480)); mouse.click(random(130, 170), random(471, 480), false); sleep(random(1000, 2000)); keyboard.typeString("99", true); mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); sleep(random(85000, 88000)); } break; case BANK: localWalker.walk(BANKAREA); if (inventory.isEmpty()) { if (equipment.isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.RING)) { objects.closest(16642).interact("Bank"); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.withdrawAll(440); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.close(); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); } else { // ADDED THIS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@22 objects.closest(16642).interact("Bank"); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.withdraw(2568, 1); bank.withdrawAll(440); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.close(); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); equipment.equip(EquipmentSlot.RING, 2568); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); } } else { if (equipment.isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.RING)) { objects.closest(16642).interact("Bank"); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.depositAll(); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.withdrawAll(440); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.close(); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); } else { // ADDED THIS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@22 objects.closest(16642).interact("Bank"); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.depositAll(); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.withdraw(2568, 1); bank.withdrawAll(440); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); bank.close(); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); equipment.equip(EquipmentSlot.RING, 2568); sleep(random(1500, 2000)); } } break; case WAIT: sleep(random(200, 300)); break; default: break; } return random(200, 300); } // code used on exit public void onExit() { log("Thank you for using eIron"); } // paint public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { } } Added code is in green. You forgot to make it only withdraw a ring if it doesn't have one. Your code was saying: if you're wearing ring, bank for ore. Then, bank for ring (without even checking if has ring or not). I made it so it will check if it has ring, then withdraw ore, if not, withdraw ring.Sorry if I didn't explain myself well enough, if you need any more help just ask. EDIT: Make sure to format your code! It was confusing at first, but just hit CTRL + SHIFT + F to automatically format code in Eclipse IDE.
  3. It's alright bro, if you need any more help just pm me I'll be glad to help.
  4. Read the getState method, look at when State.ATTACKING is actually set: When the player is moving. So whenever the player is moving, it will attack, if its not moving, it will be idle. if(myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) { return State.IN_COMBAT; } else { return State.ATTACKING; } That is just an example, you can find a suitable way of setting the state to attack EDIT: "Attack" << Correct "Attack-Cow" << Incorrect
  5. Czar


    Final verification, once a moderator verifies version 3.5 it will be ready. So far it says version 3.2 is still there After all this is done, everything will be fine.
  6. Yep We just need to wait until the mods verify and it's up
  7. Agility is the worst skill to bot, very high ban rates
  8. Lmao I just noticed. Thanks brah.
  9. 'the intelligent choice' by Czar Buy (only $4.99) Want to buy the bot, but only have rs gp? Buy an OSBot voucher here old pictures
  10. Czar


    Pushed update 3.3. Dialogue system perfected. EDIT: Got a chance to actually test the script, thanks to mdanhorn for lending me an account. I fixed the camera, the click position and dialogues. Tested the script endlessly until I fixed everything and now it's flawless. 3.5 pushed to the SDN. Should be available soon.
  11. Don't make things so complicated. public String formatTime(final long time) { final int sec = (int) (time / 1000), h = sec / 3600, m = sec / 60 % 60, s = sec % 60; return (h < 10 ? "0" + h : h) + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" + m : m) + ":" + (s < 10 ? "0" + s : s); }
  12. Wow, it's actually true, there are so many paid scripts lmfao. I even submitted one.. Oh well time to turn this around. EDIT: Swarm of free scripts incoming
  13. Czar


    Okay v3.2 is out. There should be no more problems.
  14. Czar


    Update hasn't been pushed yet We have to wait a bit longer. It's still v3.11, the latest is 3.2.
  15. Czar


    Pushed update 3.2. Fixed alot of previously untested bugs. - Menu detection improved - Positioning fixed, shouldn't keep 'walking to position.1 ' - Buying arrows updated
  16. Czar


    Okay, the script has a problem with the distance method, sorry, I will push version 3.12 ASAP. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  17. Czar


    Okay script is up! Enjoy guys
  18. Czar


    As soon as a mod verifies it, it will be available
  19. Czar


    Thanks guys Question: Would you like to see a button which tells the script to exchange tickets? Or automatically exchange when out of money? + Also would you like support for selling the arrows (using tabs to tele to varrock and cammy) because I can add it but, I just need to know if people actually want it.
  20. Czar


    Every few seconds, the camera slightly turns automatically, it's veryyyy subtle and it's a way to catch bots. My script avoids falling into the trap and re-aligns every time it needs to.
  21. Czar


    4.99, should I lower it? I wanted to make it cheaper but it says I can't undercut prices o_O EDIT: one-time payment aswell, I don't want to charge too much
  22. efficient & flawless Link: Script now live: Here Features Bypasses Jagex's camera movement bot trap. new! Uses ESC key to close the interface new! Uses the higher xp method (aligns the camera to the target so it closes the menu when it pops up) NEVER gets in combat, 'tower' method of getting out of combat isn't even there (deliberately). Logs out when no money left Equips bronze arrows when necessary Displays 'goal' information, e.g. (at 77 range it will also show details for 80 range, time left, xp left, etc) Automatically equips higher level gear such as d'hide chaps and vambs Runs away just in case of emergency! ................................................................................................................................ With the bots on OSBot, Czar promises to deliver yet another incredible piece to the CzarBot empire. This means you will get to run the script with no worries about bans and xp waste. LEGENDARY HALL OF FAME 100 hour progress report Configuring the bot and the result: Set the npc attack option to 'Hidden' if you want to avoid deaths forever! For extra XP FAQ Why should I use this script when there are millions out there? It is the best script. Simply. Why are you releasing this now? It's time to make it public, it was privately shared with some friends and has been working flawlessly. Instructions There are no instructions. We do the all the work for you. CzarScripting™ Tips If you are low level, you can use a ranging potion at level 33 ranged to get in the ranging guild. Try and have as high ranged bonus as possible. Gallery ANOTHER 1M TICKETS GAINED !!
  23. Good job Alek! Can a mod please check my GIT SDN request I'm dying over here lol
  24. Czar


    frost mage horde here, also waiting for wod
  25. WTF, 500 euros a week doing goldfarming? How? Like 50+ accoutns botting at once or what? I havent really tried a vpn lol.
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