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Everything posted by Czar

  1. will fix asap edit: nvm i fixed this a few hours ago, and it still hasn't shown up
  2. 9.00 usd for water, he must be crazy
  3. okay guys I have pushed an update which will fix walking, tell me how it goes, I just did a 2 hour test run also make sure you only load inventory with 1 tab, not multiple tabs (just in case)
  4. yeah, I will fix this don't worry
  5. Hmm that error shouldn't interfere with the script, although if it does, post here and I will take a look at it
  6. Alright I will fix that issue asap
  7. i just made changes to my web data, restart the script and tell me if it ever happens again, and i will make some actual code changes
  8. Fixed that error^, will be live in the next version Also re-made anti-pattern drop, it's faster and better than osbot's default dropper ;)
  9. Czar


    It has been approved, it should be working now ;D
  10. that is a very good idea, in fact I will definitely add this
  11. Czar


    yep, the walk handler was messed up and it wouldn't walk back
  12. i have taken all your posts and applied another update, sorry guys, after I added the curse + alch feature , it messed everything up (the order of GUI list etc) which has all been fixed now i posted an update, and it will take a few hours to be approved, i have personally tested and fixed superheating with iron bars AND coal bars, AND stun-alched , so all of your suggestions are working as of version 0.04 of the magic script As for string jewelry, I have made an update for that which may fix the hover spell issue
  13. Czar


    Just fixed that, don't worry it will be back to normal after this recent update of mine is approved
  14. Czar


    No worries guys, I just made a fix a few hours ago working wonderfully well so far, this version will be on the SDN in a couple of hours (this is my local version)
  15. No worries, I will post another fix soon. The resizeable update messed alot of things up so I will take care of them. EDIT: Posted a fix. Update will be live within an hour or so.
  16. Yes a fix is coming ASAP. EDIT: Just posted a fix, script should be fine now, just did a few tests, will leave the bot overnight to confirm
  17. How is the script guys? Are there any bugs anymore? I will go and test some superheating and enchanting in the meantime.
  18. The script should be updated now, restart the client and tell me how it goes. I will be chopping yews in GE for a small test
  19. So after 4 hours it did that? Post a screenshot and I will provide a fix asap
  20. Czar


    Make sure to use the latest client guys, I will go and run some tests, since they just made another update EDIT: Don't use resized mode, just use fixed. I will test it for another 4 hours and confirm
  21. yes I will give you a trial as soon as they update the script so its back to normal again
  22. relog and restart the script, if it still doesn't work I will remove the script stopper and override it completely so it will teleport until out of runes As for the xp timer, I have added another update which may fix the issue, since I only have a vague idea of what is going on, explain it in detail and I will fix it asap ;D
  23. dont worry man it will all be flawless by tomorrow, i am working very hard to make sure its perfect
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