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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Done, enjoy trial As for gem rocks, they have been added, just waiting on update now
  2. Any information? Make sure to have gp for ship rides,default camera zoom,fixed mode,and thats it
  3. Show me a screenshot of the area to make it and I will add it ASAP. Glad to hear that gnome stronghold banking is working
  4. I added it within 30 seconds, but we have to wait for the sdn manager to update it SDN manager makes updates 2 times a day, every 12 hours
  5. Make sure to have hammer in your inventory (if you are in an empty world where nobody fixes the struts) @ifee - done, enjoy trial ;)
  6. I made an update to banking, it should no longer spam click it, tell me if it does As for anti-venom+, that is the next feature I will add ;)
  7. Czar


    done, enjoy trial ;)
  8. Make sure you set your zoom to default, and make sure to use the latest client. That is all
  9. yes I will add this ASAP, for the record, even if it recognizes it as tin, does it still mine the rocks? Anyhow, I will add this
  10. Hmm your trial expired.. oh well last time: enjoy trial ;)
  11. Me neither Hopefully it will be uploaded this weekend (according to the SDN manager's so-called schedule :P)
  12. World hopper, jewellery teleporting and al-kharid update will be bundled in the next update, I will try and perfect those today
  13. Make sure you only load 1 teleport tab in your inventory, so that there will be no issues
  14. Version 0.27 - Added anti-afk mode, to stop bot from logging out - Improved anti-ban system update will be live within a few hours ;)
  15. Version 0.35 - Fixed gnome stronghold banking update will be live within a few hours port sarim deposit box is next update
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