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Everything posted by Czar

  1. This only happens when you don't use food, make sure you have any type of food (even if you don't need food)
  2. Well the offer has ended but I can still do one, just PM.
  3. Both have been added in the latest version (0.29) which will be live within a few hours, thanks for the idea ;)
  4. EDIT: Fixed in next version. Will be live within a few hours.
  5. If you want to play it safe, just don't bot in UK work hours (when jmods are sniping bots to mass ban wave), otherwise just make sure not to bot too much, and avoid getting reported by speaking every once in a while
  6. Turn off 'stop when out of runes'
  7. Fixed, no longer stops when starting the script with a ranged weapon, (version 0.34)
  8. delete jagexcache and random.dat for less chance of ban (if you have flagged ip)
  9. So what did it end up doing, withdraw new supplies while there are still herbs in the inventory? Or did it do something else As for the herb cleaning, I am going to make it faster hopefully by the next update ;)
  10. enjoy trial, and version 0.28 added, plank make no longer banks runes
  11. Depends on the SDN manager and when he is online and not busy, can take up to a few hours
  12. Fixed, will be live in version 0.27
  13. there's many slayer scripts in development, hopefully one makes it to the sdn :p there's a lot of things to cover so only the developers with the most resources can actually make one
  14. Hmm is that all the log says? If so, make sure you have everything setup properly, e.g. turn off resized mode (enable fixed mode), start script while logged in (if any problems) otherwise, just paste the entire log
  15. Show me the inventory loadout @Mustang @Jinrake, where does it walk badly, show me the area and I will improve the nodes
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