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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Version 0.53 has been posted, good luck all, please allow a few hours for update to be registered - Fixed iteration mode, now it will actually show the correct numbers, and it will show which ever item you're making - Chocolate is now perfected - Coconut mode has been perfected, here is a preview: in this update, the coconut option is in the 'grind' list at the bottom, there's two modes: half coconut and coconut vial
  2. Czar


    Enable esc mode for better results, see the main thread for instructions (in page 1)
  3. The promotion system will be back online, with the help of zach and mald, so no worries
  4. Should be activated now, good luck ;)
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Wait the update isn't live yet, the latest version is 0.67 , just waiting for the update to be registered , usually takes 1-2 hours or something in this update , pickpocketing improved by alot so the bot won't get stuck ^^ but in the meantime try turning off 'save npc' mode and turning on etc see which one works better, just until this new update is registered
  6. The number of seconds for the reset aggro threshold timer, if it reaches 5 seconds it will toggle reset aggro mode and run south I will make the paint smaller I guess ^^
  7. If you have been given any script for free, it may have gone now Only users who actually bought the scripts can use them, the users who got free scripts can't anymore
  8. @mathew I will fix the paint immediately, which option did you select on the setup, chocolate grinding? @Skyler the update has been posted for version 0.52, should be live any moment. just waiting for devs to register the update ^^
  9. You gotta only use 1 tab, if you use multiple teleports it can mess up, also make sure you leave 1 space inventory free, it's the best setup ^^ As for waterbirth no idea what's going on , have a few other scripts also ready to be released too
  10. Glad you solved it, good luck all ;) The update is now live, the script starts up perfectly normal now
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Turn off 'Save npc' for master farmers, it's only designed for several npcs within a small area (like more than 5 or something). It works very well after that, no problems on my side I will post an extra anti-fail for that system, hopefully it works much better, see notes below @slasher update for ardy silk stall coming up, any description of the bug / how to reproduce the bug to make things quicker? As for trials, done - good luck New update: Version 0.67 - Added an update for ardy silk stalls - Added an update for pickpocketing using simple/saving mode -- If a pickpocket attempt is failed, it will attempt to walk to the location of the npc --- Please only use 'save npc' mode if you are pickpocketing ardy knights thanks all, please allow a few hours for the update to be registered ^^
  12. Alright posted version 0.50, walking options are now re-introduced too, please allow a few hours for update to register
  13. For runite banking right? (the update I just added)? I need to make some tweaks to that system so it will use jewelry teleports too, I am going to handle the pathfinding issues for heroes guild ASAP @Wyattew trial, good luck ;) Currently runite rocks in heroes guild are under maintenance, but the rest of the features are fine
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