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Everything posted by Dustin

  1. Dustin


    Not even long hair doe. And my Beard is SUPER TIDY DONT EVEN #Somuchbutthurt
  2. Dustin


    I don't think this topic needs to stay open. The rank is already been clarified. Just because you want a rank to be post count based to feel special doesn't make it happen.
  3. Dustin


    Veteran is an Ex-Staff member rank given by an admin.
  4. I'm as empty as they come.

  5. Welcome home Depression. You really weren't gone long enough.

  6. I can't sleep, and food has lost it's taste.

  7. You see, loves a funny thing. The way, it lingers in your mind. No matter what you do, on the passing of time.

  8. I'm trying, my best. To be a better man. despite all my fears, I really am.

  9. Dustin

    C4D Pack

    Thanks for the share, Hopefully I can use most of these.
  10. Dustin

    BETA v1.2.2

    If your download is not working, please clear your browser cache and try again. One of your scripts has broken. Try moving all of them out of the scripts folder and rebooting.
  11. Why Hello there

  12. Awwwweeee yiss So excited. So use the id's of ground items for items in general now yes?
  13. I do believe its already added (He is talking in past tense) Thanks Maxi!
  14. Where it says id you have to put the id of the interface... Edit: Fixed your issue through PM I will lock this topic.
  15. This is great. Nice to see you here Dark. I can vouch personally for him, I've known him for several years now.
  16. I don't think you understand how excited this has made me.
  17. Looking forward to the more features. Any idea on a ETA for a Java release?
  18. Dustin


    I like ViVi okay ;-; And no I don't find myself all that good with the photoshop. But I wanted to post them anyway Intelligent Criticism is welcome
  19. It looks exciting. I may or may not look into getting it. Depends on if it goes up another 10 dollars.
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