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  1. n3ss3s

    BETA v1.7.20

    Glad to see issues being taken care of quickly
  2. Did some work on paint, automatically picks up what skill you're gaining EXP in and draws a progress bar for it,
  3. Good guesses, but it's an Applet on a JFrame, with hand drawn components.
  4. That's sort of what the paths are for :p
  5. I was originally going to make this for another bot, but it seems that it will have a larger audience here, and it'll be easier to develop as the OSBot API is very broad and there will be less things that I'll have to code from scratch, such as banking. Essentially people will be able to fight nearly any monster they want by creating custom paths that permit not just walking, but also NPC/Object/Item interaction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA4gz-2o0oc
  6. Change Exception to InterruptedException, you don't want to be blindly consuming all exceptions at the top level
  7. Interesting that you added a breakhandler, I don't think people have been taking breaks since... The real 07? Maybe it'll bring bans down a bit and maybe even up the price of 07 if people start using it in hopes of not as many bans
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