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Posts posted by Lemons

  1. 1 hour ago, Antonio Kala said:

    There is no new client detection. It's simply jagex implementing something new to lock accounts.

    If there was they would ban them, there's no point to only lock them as that will allow people to unlock them and then bot which defeats the purpose.

    Plus lots of people are botting just fine. 

    There definitely is client detection, the bot sends plenty of data they can use since long ago to compare against the "official" clients. If there wasn't, new accounts wouldn't get locked on only bot clients. Also its not unique to injection clients.

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  2. Heres the camera from my QuantumAPI, I fixed a few issues since I posted that snippet. You'll need to adapt it to work without the API but it shouldn't be hard:

    package rip.quantum.api;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Vector3D;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider;
    import rip.quantum.QuantumAPI;
     * Camera that uses the middle-mouse button and mouse movements.
     * @author lemons
    public class QuantumCamera extends QuantumAPI {
    	public QuantumCamera(MethodProvider methodProdiver) {
    	 * Moves the camera to the desired yaw and pitch.
    	 * @param yaw
    	 * @param pitch
    	public void moveCamera(int yaw, int pitch) {
    		if (pitch > 67)
    			pitch = 67;
    		else if (pitch < 34)
    			pitch = 34;
    		int pitchCur = getPitchAngle(),
    			yawCur = getYawAngle(),
    			pitchDir = pitch < pitchCur ? -1 : 1,
    			pitchDiff = Math.abs(pitch - pitchCur),
    			yawDir = yaw > yawCur ? -1 : 1,
    			yawDiff = Math.abs(yaw - yawCur);
    		if (yawDiff > 180) {
    			// Flip how we get there
    			yawDiff = 360 - yawDiff;
    			yawDir *= -1;
    		if (yawDiff < 22 && pitchDiff < 14)
    		int x = yawDir * yawDiff * 3,
    			y = pitchDir * pitchDiff * 3;
    		int minX = 40 - (yawDir == -1 ? x : 0),
    			maxX = 724 - (yawDir == 1 ? x : 0),
    			minY = 40 + (pitchDir == -1 ? y : 0),
    			maxY = 460 + (pitchDir == 1 ? y: 0);
    		try {
    			Point bot = getMouse().getPosition();
    			for (int i = 0; i < 5 && !getMouse().isOnScreen(); i++) {
    				getMouse().move(random(minX, maxX), random(minY, maxY));
    			if (bot.x < minX || bot.x > maxX
    					|| bot.y < minY || bot.y > maxY) {
    				getMouse().move(random(minX, maxX), random(minY, maxY));
    			bot = getMouse().getPosition();
    			int newX = Math.min(764, Math.max(0, bot.x + x)),
    				newY = Math.min(502, Math.max(0, bot.y + y));
    			// Use OSBots move here
    			getMethods().getMouse().move(newX, newY);
    		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    			getLogger().error("", e);
    	public boolean toEntity(Entity e) {
    		return toEntity(myPosition(), e);
    	 * Turns the camera toward the entity as if the player were positioned at origin.
    	 * @param origin
    	 * @param e
    	 * @return
    	public boolean toEntity(Vector3D origin, Entity e) {
    		if (e == null)
    			return false;
    		moveCamera(getAngleTo(origin, e), getPitchTo(origin, e));
    		return true;
    	 * Turns the camera toward the tile as if the player were positioned at origin.
    	 * @param origin
    	 * @param tile
    	 * @return
    	public boolean toVector3D(Vector3D origin, Vector3D tile) {
    		if (getMap().distance(origin, myPosition()) > 16)
    			return false;
    		moveCamera(getAngleTo(origin, tile), getPitchTo(origin, tile));
    		return true;
    	 * Turns the camera towards tile from the players current position.
    	 * @param tile
    	 * @return
    	public boolean toVector3D(Vector3D tile) {
    		return toVector3D(myPosition(), tile);
    	 * Turns the camera towards the position from the origin.
    	 * @param tile
    	 * @return
    	public boolean toPosition(Position origin, Position p) {
    		return toVector3D(origin, p);
    	public boolean toPosition(Position p) {
    		return toVector3D(p);
    	 * Faces the camera roughly north.
    	public void toNorth() {
    		int r = random(0, 30);
    		if (r > 15)
    			r = 375 - r;
    	 * Faces the camera roughly west.
    	public void toWest() {
    		getCamera().moveYaw(75 + random(0, 30));
    	 * Faces the camera roughly south.
    	public void toSouth() {
    		getCamera().moveYaw(165 + random(0, 30));
    	 * Faces the camera roughly east.
    	public void toEast() {
    		getCamera().moveYaw(255 + random(0, 30));
    	public int getLowestPitchAngle() {
    		return getMethods().getCamera().getLowestPitchAngle();
    	public int getPitchAngle() {
    		return getMethods().getCamera().getPitchAngle();
    	public int getX() {
    		return getMethods().getCamera().getX();
    	public int getY() {
    		return getMethods().getCamera().getY();
    	public int getYawAngle() {
    		return getMethods().getCamera().getYawAngle();
    	public int getZ() {
    		return getMethods().getCamera().getZ();
    	public boolean isDefaultScaleZ() {
    		return getMethods().getCamera().isDefaultScaleZ();
    	public boolean movePitch(int degrees) {
    		moveCamera(getYawAngle(), degrees);
    		return true;
    	public boolean moveYaw(int degrees) {
    		moveCamera(degrees, getPitchAngle());
    		return true;
    	public boolean toBottom() {
    		return movePitch(0);
    	public boolean toTop() {
    		return movePitch(67);
    	private void mousePress(boolean press) {
    			.generateBotMouseEvent(press ? MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED : MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED,
    					System.currentTimeMillis(), 0,
    					getMouse().getPosition().y, 1, false,
    					MouseEvent.BUTTON2, true);
    	private int getPitchTo(Vector3D origin, Vector3D t) {
    		int pitch = 67 - (int) (getMap().distance(origin, t) * 4);
    		if (pitch > 67) {
    			pitch = 67;
    		} else if (pitch < 22) {
    			pitch = 22;
    		return pitch;
    	private int getAngleTo(Vector3D origin, Vector3D tile) {
    		int degree = (int) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(
    				tile.getY() - origin.getY(), tile.getX() - origin.getX()));
    		int a = ((degree >= 0 ? degree : 360 + degree) - 90) % 360;
    		return a < 0 ? a + 360 : a;


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  3. 37 minutes ago, PayPalMeRSGP said:

    To clarify, by extending API and calling exchangeContext under onStart() I don't have to pass in the a script reference to access all the Script.getXXX() methods. 

    Also do you happen to know the config id for the GE and how to parse the int returned by Configs.get(int id)?


    Use getGrandExchange().getStatus(Box) and the other Box related methods for getting GE data. It tells you everything but how many are left to collect to my knowledge. The only configs that are used with GE are from the buy/sell interfaces (quantity, item ID, price) iirc.


  4. " In order to purchase most weapons, the purchaser must obtain a weapon acquisition permit (art. 8 WG/LArm). Swiss citizens and foreigners with a C permit over the age of 18 who are not psychiatrically disqualified nor identified as posing security problems, and who have a clean criminal record can request such a permit. "

    Thats the difference. In the US you can go to a gun show and pick up a AR15 with no background check. Fail that, you can order everything but a lower action, buy a 80% complete lower action and drill a few holes and you got an unregistered lower action. Most of the people I know with guns that probably shouldn't own guns got them through back channels like that. There is no psych test and Trump reversed a law where people with mental health problems can buy guns again (that is they have a known mental health issue and still can get guns). The problem is also a lobby (the NRA) that is too powerful and is used by the weapon manufacturers to make laws that allow as many guns to be sold as possible.

    Thats my take on it. Guns are fun, but there should psych checks and security clearances to owning any semi-automatic weapon. In the US there is not at the moment in a lot of places. If you listen to our politicians though its all them violent vidya games and movies that do it, so the problem is never dealt with.

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  5. https://osbot.org/forum/announcement/57-aio-market-guide/


    11. Please keep in mind that the following items are not to be sold on the OSBot Market for your own safety. Doing so, will result in immediate removal of your thread, and possibly more severe consequences depending on the item you're trying to promote -

    • Hacker items like keyloggers, phishers and RAT's. Any other program or tool used for hacking.
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