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Everything posted by adidasxxx3

  1. I tried a lot of different ways. Opening and closing the client doesn't seem to have effect nor does the starting and stopping script. The way the combobox sometimes shows up is when i open a account tab and unsuccessfully run the script. Then closing the tab and opening another tab from different account which then starts the script successfully. However the combobox still doesn't show up every time and it could be just coincidence. I'm not sure if anyone else is having that problem but i hope what i explained made some sense.
  2. I keep getting this weird problem. https://gyazo.com/46fe7c23fdc196d24f3fd56808df0e1a It worked at start but I wanted to fish shrimps while I didn't actually select them (i only later read the note). And problem started to occur after that. I reopened the client few times but it didn't help.
  3. Bot works absolutely great! Recommend 100%
  4. Yes, i also attached another image.
  5. Thanks, tested and works fine! Bought it Edit: Seemed to get stuck on fishing dock. At those spots: https://gyazo.com/e0293d8a4a7351cf82e8eac54623ab25 https://gyazo.com/48dc4ce1fc357f423c09c1540de5e2ed
  6. I am interested in buying the script but could i have a trial to test it out first ?
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