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  1. Hey hope you can come back to work on the stealth quester! Would love to have more quests added. Or release the work and let the community add onto it :).




  2. The hotkeys aren't always working, like right now I can't turn my UI back on until I restart the script. I also noticed when it killed 1 shade in the security stronghold, it counted it as 3 kills on the kill counter. Also noticed that if i move my camera around in game while setting up the bot still (before pressing start bot), it makes the camera move non-stop in the direction i moved the camera.
  3. http://prntscr.com/ja6rub <--- screenshot of the error message that pops up, it happens when I try to press launch. Any ideas? For those that don't want to click the link the message says "There was an error launching OSBot! Please verify that your boot options are valid!" Thanks!
  4. Boondocks

    Stealth Quester

    Script works great :D, how often are you adding quests to it? I'd really enjoy having the ability to do Dragon slayer. Either way keep up the great work!
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