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Trade With Caution
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About Diderot

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Newbie (1/10)



  1. I'm sorry about my other post, I really thought that and @GoldenGate were mod material but the current mods Master Drive and Malesto disagreed with me, so I must be wrong. I am sorry, so to make up for this, please promote @Gladiator as he seems like a nice guy and @Mikasa really likes him apparently If she thinks he is good, I do too as she is an ex staff and was global for a long time apparently. Thanks, Denis Diderot
  2. I may be new, but it is the new people who need the staff the most, are they not? Gh0st is very helpful, and GoldenGate is a cheerful guy. Please give them at least one chance, I think they would be amazing moderators.
  3. Since I started here, Gh0st has helped me TREMENDOUSLY over Skype setting up the bot, and getting scripts. He has shown me that his is a very mature gentlemen with program skills. GoldenGate also seems like a really nice guy, and has shown much dedication to the community. These are the only, and the right guys.
  4. Right now I'm tired of all of the spammers. We need new, active mods. Two perfect candidates are @GoldenGate and , they are the most active users on this forum, and are loved by the community from what I have seen so far from my stay at OSBot. Maxi, please do the right thing for once, this will make people love you again. Sincely, Denis Diderot
  5. You should totally stay as a moderator, I think you'd do well. This is relevant in today's society because you would be a good moderator as stated in Gh0st's post "Maldesto is awesome. ROFL" (1.3.43). If this were to occur in JFK's time, there would be many celebrations as to what he meant. Overall, Maldesto would be a cool mod as Gh0st stated.
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