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Everything posted by Araqaya

  1. Does this support splashing? like it wouldnt log out ?
  2. THis account was created over 7 years ago
  3. Yeah for sure, those bans reads on my status as quashed but since they believed it wasn't me and actually quashed those, so shouldnt I have same chances for getting banned as other people
  4. So, i've botted on my account alot, once received 2 day ban and then permanent ban, I was botting on my girlfriends house when I got the permanent bans, so somehow I got my bans quashed trough account recovery ticket, couple months ago before when there wasnt this actual recovery ticket system. They also quashed my 2 day bans which I received one month before permanent bans on my own home IP. I guess there was a trainee handling my request but what ever, I havent played for months and done alot of legit things only, and my ban meter is totally safe because of quashed bans, so what do you think, is it 2 day ban or instant perma, do they investigate or notice those quashed bans?
  5. If I dont get in few days more, I might actually go for this. Keep ya eyes open.
  6. 1. Pictures of the account stats: http://imgur.com/Nq6cac2 2. Pictures of the login details: http://imgur.com/0nbpdyq 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any): Included in same picture as the stats 4. Pictures of the quests completed: http://imgur.com/T9zveK4 5. The price you will be starting bids at: Offer, but don't bother with 20m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account: 250m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting: 07 GP / Paypal 8. Your trading conditions: If we find a middleman who we can both trust we can include one. I also have sold at least 10 account's on different site with only positive feedback, it shows which kinda account and when (Willing to give link for my page/pm inside that site) 9. Account status: http://imgur.com/Imy8oNm 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address: I am original owner of the account and I have the full access to recover the account/ I know the original e-mail address This account is a leftover account, which isn't played anymore, account had forgotten membership subscription so it has over 20 membership days left. And of course account has done every important quest, rfd/piety/veng/ancients and much more such as regicide for ZUL'RAH!
  7. Hey I got leftover account to sell. Screenshot from untradeables and statses: http://imgur.com/Nq6cac2 I am original owner of the account and I have full access to recover this account Account has of course every important and worth quest done such rfd/veng/ancients/regicide and much more, account QP is 184. Accounts bank wealth is barely 1m but it has tentacle whip. Feel free to bid/ask questions, I've sold around 10? accounts on other site, I dont know if I am allowed to tell the site name here but its buyer feedback and it shows which kinda account someone has bought from and when, incase someone wants to see some kinda proof of trust first, willing to give link to my page on that site and willing to pm on you in that site aswell
  8. So I have high chances even when botting 2 hours per night? I just heard couple people saying that even auto clicking mage is super risky currently ?
  9. Hey so I've kept a break from botting and RS overall for a while now, but I am curious how are the ban rates now a days? Last time ( little bit before the mirror client system launch ), I had chance to bot like maybe week or two in row every day many hours without bans. How it is now a days? Is it instant ban? I also botted couple main accounts 2 hrs a night for almost month / sometimes on day time also without getting any bans, anything changed? I am just curious do I have the same chances to go straight botting with main accounts or has the ban rates increased or anything I should know?
  10. First off, I am not here to cry, in my post there was nothing about me getting mad that I lost those accounts or anything like that. I did bot mostly combat, in queit places. One account cooking. Point of this post was that it's nearly impossible to bot/warn
  11. If there's something wrong with your reading skills it's okay lol
  12. Alright so I botted one account 8 hours, after 12 hours of not botting, permanent ban. Same happened to other account the next day. Third account 10h botting, permanent ban after 2 days of not botting. 4th account 3,5h of botting got 2 day ban after 15h of not botting. First account got banned from my home ip, second from different city (my friends place), third vpn and 4th with different vpn. So nope my Ip isn't flagged, well maybe yes but couldn't affect other accounts. None of 'em was fresh accounts or 3lvs. None of those accounts didnt have earlier bans, or mutes or anything, all had username login aswell so they were pretty old too. And I didn't bot any of those accounts longer than 6-8h overall. So is it just me really unlucky or you just shouldnt bot with ur mains etc.
  13. I botted ghouls 2-3 weeks straight, almost suicide botting and now i got 2 day ban Well at nights it did bot only for 6 hours bc of the login bc I didnt put my acc information on the client but at daytime 24/7. So I guess im just lucky or ghouls has low ratio being banned ?
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