I was merely giving you an alternative (if you can't get selenium to work).
Also, no. If you look up what a "POST" request is, you will understand how websites work. When you use selenium, it makes your life easier by parsing the full HTML and then you just invoke certain functions for that web page. In reality, the web page sends a POST request to their site, with the recaptcha response code. It then sends back a response the your browser, which will then redirect it to whatever redirect the api chose. This redirect can be to "acc successfully made" or "ip has been blocked, too many creations in a short period of time" (for let's say, creating an acc). You don't really need selenium at all, tbh. This just wastes so much ram.
Currently, my unlocker wastes 1mb ram TOTAL and uses 0.00000000005% of my cpu usage. This will allow for massive multi threading and also, for you to be able to unlock things on the fly.
Let's say you have a farm with 3000+ bots, each dedi has 200-400 bots inside of it. Then you want to use selenium to unlcok accounts. You're going to run out of ram so fast, your dedi will most likely crash (unless you told windows to close other processes to preserve ram).
I'm not sure if this will work, try the allow reflections param. See if set permissions does something too.
It's a bummer that osbot does block certain imports because people miss-use it for dodgy stuff. But I also believe, they have to have an option to disable it. Also, I made an unlocker and every 1-2 password resets, your ip gets blocked for 1 hour. So if you're wanting to do some mass farming, you're going to need a lot of private proxies.