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Posts posted by grizlii

  1. 11 minutes ago, landrez said:

    I use all my scripts in mirror mode. do you check the new clicker or hardware clicker? or neither? i cant tell if its usefull for anything. and nobody is really giving info on this site.

    I dont use any of them. I believe they use some other pathern but im not sure about this. Should move different then without.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Gunman said:

    Pretty sure on all ends AMD is better buck for core. Look around and see which one would be better for you. All you would need is a 6 core probably

    So a Ryzen 5 2600 would acutally be good enough and will keep it running steady?

  3. 6 minutes ago, Gunman said:

    @grizliiGpu doesn't matter. Purely cpu and ram, and maybe a ssd if you're running a lot of bots(still nice so you can reboot fast tho). And for botting 90% core/thread count is what matters.

    And should I go for Intel or AMD? I think Intel has better core/thread for a buck right?

  4. Hey all,


    I was wondering if you guys could give me a push in the right direction. I want to build an extra pc for my bots, my main pc is running AMD Ryzen 5 3600, 1070TI and 16GB DDR4. Costed me around €700/800 Runs 10 bots easy on mirror mode. Now I want to make a simple "cheap" build just to run a little farm (6-8 bots) IN mirror mode, I know that this will eat my RAM so A must have is 16/32GB ram. But what CPU and GPU should I use for this?


    Keep in mind the pc will only be used to run the farm / browsing.


    Thanks in advance! 🙌



  5. On 1/4/2021 at 1:18 AM, Coin4Coin said:

    How to make bank from Pugger:

    Step 1: buy priv script or make an e-z obscure money method

    Step 2: Contact puggyz and set up interview

    Step 3: Pug video gets 30 million views. Thats 200k people wanting that script

    Step 4: Profit :gnome:

    P.S. For double profits make YT video before Puggy interview to gain hype and attention, can also use recognition from Pugman to endorse own video and get sweet Adsense coin :cash:


  6. On 1/4/2021 at 6:44 PM, MistAirWater said:

    My account didn't make it an hour. I went to extreme lengths to pay for a separate IP address and everything. This is not on the script end but on the client end. I was running OSBot in stealth.

    My banning history?

    I had my account from like 2005 banned back in the day.

    I started up again recently using a different bot client. I only botted 50% of the time. Banned. I had played a decent amount of time on there. I also monitored it and never played AFK.


    This time? Again, Jagex knew. I think they must have a way of detecting Stealth clients. But I think I'm just going to stick to playing legit now.

    You should invest in VIP for mirror instead of a separate IP. Mirror mode brings it to another level and will make your accounts last way longer then stealth.

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/17/2021 at 9:09 AM, dabby24013 said:

    im going to be building accounts for this script can anyone speak to the ban rates or have logs of long hours? i only plan to do 2.5-4hrs daily


    The script works awsome, only thing is that Jagex is sitting next to zulrah with a hammer.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, ez11 said:

    The upgrading gear part means that it will upgrade your range armour when you have some in inventory that are better than the ones you wear, I didnt include anything else because that might be worse/not the upgrade you want.

    Its only relevant for regular mode, because in progressive mode you would set your own conditions to upgrade any gear etc.

    Got it, thanks!

    • Like 1
  9. On 7/26/2020 at 7:11 AM, ryandh94 said:

    this is why the game is ruined fuck scouting bots 

    how is this fun for anyone?

    LMAO. Enough internet for you!

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