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Trade With Caution
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About Gladiator

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  1. L0l I'm only into the community of osbot because my parents don't let me out of the house if they did I wouldn't be active and I'd go out with my girlfriend and friends everyday so you my friend need to stfu Wow you must have awful parents.#RuinedChildhood
  2. We've had our differences in the past but I feel that we may have settled them. I didn't talk to you much, but it still sucks to see you go. I wish you the best of luck throughout the rest of your life. Goodbye, friend.

  3. I still find it ironic that @GoldenGate made this thread.
  4. Your not leaving osbot just hide the threads lol k
  5. Your not leaving osbot just hide the threads lol k
  6. I just checked in on OSBot... I posted twice... EDIT: Please explain to me how that makes me an attention whore? I posted that I was from Sweden on Jasons thread, then I replied to someone who wrote something on my farewell thread. I DEEPLY apologize for posting 2 times. I had no idea it would make you so upset, if it did I wouldn't have posted. so sorry lel. and lmao you call me annoying? bout time you look yourself in the mirror.
  7. Tell me about it... I mean, what communities doesn't have issues? People disagreeing on admin decisions? This is kind of stupid. You haven't been here long enough to understand.
  8. You have no idea what you are talkig about. Master chief showed a pic of the mod logs... Smart had 5.8k, master chief who was second place had about 3k. Do you have any idea how much time and effort smart has put into osbot? AND HE DID IT ALL FOR FREE.
  9. Well who was it that started this drama? You wouldn't understand because I've been here 5 times longer than you have. The community was way better back then. So please STFU you have no idea what you are talkin about. No reason being here LMFAO.
  10. I just don't want to be a part of this community anymore. I have been here for quite a while now, and put in a crap ton of hours and posts into this site (I'm @Superman if you didn't know. I'm just kind of shocked that @Alek is getting Admin instead of @Smart. I will not rage at this because then @Maldesto will be IP banned and I've been that before and it sucks. I will say this nicely: Will someone please explain to me why Alek is getting Admin? He has 400 posts, hasn't been around for weeks. He is a scripter, not a moderator. Smart has #1 mod logs (nearly twice as many as second place). He has been mod for as long as I've been around, probably way before that too... This is my final farewell... Just like... I'm just kinda ya know... SHOCKED. The bot is pretty good, but this community is just kind of falling apart. I wish all of you good luck, and I hope that this community pulls itself together. I love you guys, ~Superman
  11. Yes he is. Why did you make his name green lul?
  12. Lmao. You doing this because you wanna be able to chose 27 number?
  13. When Maldesto made his thread about applying for veteran rank he clearly said that you cant have a bad history of flaming, spamming, being rude to others, scamming. Basic was demoted from chat mod because he copy pasted a guide from tip it or something and then sold it here on osbot. His graphics designer rank was removed because he had flamed and raged at people (mainly to me), said that others graphics were horrible, just continuously being rude to people. I cant find the thread but basic asked where his gfx rank was and then master chief posted about 30 pics of him raging, flaming, hating, etc. So how did he get vet rank?
  14. Your title makes no sense. What is it you need help with?
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