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Posts posted by NotoriousPP

  1. I'm already know some of you know what these are, by either finding my videos randomly or @Swizzbeat having showed you one of them. But I thought I would made a thread asking if anyone else like/practice lightshows, or honestly just tutting in general.


    For those who don't know what lightshows are: (Defined by Urban Dictionary) "A dance using glow sticks or micro lights usually performed at a rave or dance clubs."


    I personally have been doing light shows for the past 4 years, though haven't been able to really go to any events this year, I still practice as I listen to music everyday without lights, becasue it looks cool either way.

    Most people instantly think drugs, when hearing about or seeing a light-show for the first time, but personally I find them memorizing no matter if I'm sober or high; it's just another form of art in my mind.

    Does anyone else here practice lightshows? Go to raves and see others giving them? Have you ever had one before? If so, what was your favorite show of all time, and what event were you at, if any?


    Here's one of mine from last years NYE:




    • Like 2
  2. Honestly, I'm gonna try not to be rude and say not my style tongue.png



    You are talking about bass and stuff, well, if you want a real song:


    I like dude! Has glitch hop feel to it! Though I agree, Trap usually isn't my cup o' tea though, I'm usually a DnB, Minimal Tech, and Trance fiend.


    Now this shit right here, is my fucking cup o tea, shit never get old:

  3. I still go fishing! I live in Southern California, and have mainly canals where I live, so usually I'm only able to fish for Catfish, though I love heading up north near Bishop area for Trout, which is my favorite type of fish to catch by far.

    • Like 1
  4. Looks amazing biggrin.png

    But does users really want to bot more to gain first rank on a script?


    I think avoid bann > higher ranking biggrin.png


    but I love it! x3

    Great work!


    What about:


    Avoid Ban && Higher Ranking?



    • Like 1
  5. And what kind of music do you like? 


    But ima guess what you like, im guessing country? Do you like singing about your tractor dying or your cow girl leaving you?


    I failed and forgot to put the 3rd video link in lol. 2:43 is the 2nd drop which is the best.



    Dude I love that song! Found it last year! Still one of my favorites!

  6. I've seen one of these before. Unfortunately, if you don't create misc values for every velocity value (which you can already do), but instead you average out the velocity values to find the most human-like one, it will still lead to being one single standard speed. You are going to have to have a script load in every velocity value and randomly choose some on every motion, between every swipe of the mouse, etc. Also, a lot of people have mouses that require more of a swipe of the hand to get a smaller motion/bigger motion, etc. Mine is based on 3 settings that I can change with a button to speed up/slow down. If they can record coordinates of every mouse movement like people say they can, then how do we not know if they can record the speed option selected on the mouse. Furthermore, how do we not know if they record the mouse going off of the screen, and the outside movements we make like clicking on a specific tab in our browser. I know that running a Java Applet can allow access to anything on your system. So how do we know that if we are browsing the Internet while we are botting, that they can't see what we have open and how our mouse just so happens to be in 2 different places at once. There are just so many variables behind mouse movements that it becomes ridiculous. I just feel like that would be one huge script, not to mention the fact that there is a chance they don't even see our mouse's coordinates.


    Also, as a hint on human behavior, A LOT of real people do what is called interface symmetry. I.E., they open up the stats tab to check on a skill, then they open up the prayer tab since it is symmetrical to the stats tab. Then go back to the inventory tab. Jagex made a factual estimate in 2009 that 38% of their players have some sort of OCD, or disorders alike that impact their gameplay in many ways.


    Honestly, this is an extremely-small anti-ban feature. I doubt they even record our mouse movements because their ban-software has included creating 2 fake worlds to spy on botters (which they go around talking to you seeing if you are botting), and they also ban based on IP's previous ban-rates, etc. I don't think this small stuff really does much.


    Nevertheless, I like what you are doing here.


    They do record the mouse, and this isn't a small feature by any means.


    If you want to get some info about Jagex on Mouse detection, read through spoiler #1 - #3, they have a ton of information regrading bans and mouse movements.


  7. Change my IP every day?


    Last time I changed my ip was 21 days ago , isnt it enough?


    Most of the time when you get banned on a IP, it most likely means they also flagged that IP address as well.


    So general rule of thumb, if your accounts gets banned; change your IP and start over.

  8. Because I really liked this community and planned to be here for a while , I had plans to buy plenty of scripts (AIO WC , AIO Hunter , AIO Fisher , AIO combat) and maybe donate some money to osbot.



    After 5 years of playing runescape .... I guess ill never play it again.





    # Oh and you don't have to act like an asshole smile.png


    Just change your IP?

    I bot everyday, for 5+ hours, still not banned.

    14m+ Exp later, still here...

  9. love how i post the initial idea and then the blue pixels come along and re-do it. lol. Maybe i should post more basic concepts for OSB2 and then we might actually get back to somewhere close of a decent community of free scripts.


    Well Pug remember that walking snippet that Swizz posted has been public since before I started writing bots, it's honestly the same base I have been using in all of my walking since the beginning of my career at OSBot. It wasn't anything new.

  10. I would expect the basic stuff to work like banking and walking.


    I bought swizzbeats mining script and it does has issues walking and doing m1d1, I have brought it up with the SW but im not sure where he is on this because its been 48 hours.  Can someone please clarify this? Because it would be a complete horror if u buy scipts that simply don't work !


    and PS script writers should have their own accounts to do testing!


    Banking and walking is all scripting side of thing, it's not handled by the client at all. If you have problems with the script, go ask the writer, because I haven't had any complaints with walking or banking, and all of my scripts use at least one of those.

  11. Is it possible to force runescape/the client to load objects in an area that's a bit outside render distance, and if so, how? 



    For context, this snippet is the focus of my concern:

    for (Point[] doorPoint : Constants.Rooms.CHEST_ROOM.getAllDoorsOut()) {
                RS2Object door = sA.objects.closest((new BestMatch(sA, "Door", new Area(doorPoint[0].x, doorPoint[0].y, doorPoint[1].x, doorPoint[1].y))));
                if (door.exists() && Arrays.asList(door.getDefinition().getActions()).contains("Open")) {
                    if (Constants.Rooms.CHEST_ROOM.getNextRoom(Constants.Rooms.CHEST_ROOM, door) != null) {
                        sA.log("Found openable door at " + door.getX() + ", " + door.getY());
                        nextPathPiece = Constants.Rooms.CHEST_ROOM.getNextRoom(Constants.Rooms.CHEST_ROOM, door);
                } else {
                    sA.log("Found door at " + door.getX() + ", " + door.getY() + " but door is not openable");

    In theory, it should check the actions of all 8 of the door objects leading out of the Barrows Chest room in the center of the Barrows tunnels. When the player is close enough, it works just fine. However, when past a certain distance away from each door, it is unable to get the actions and for some reason 


    returns a default value of true, meaning that it simply returns the first door that it cannot "see" if that comes before the "openable" door.



    Reading the doors/maze via varpbits will make your life much much easier.


    OT: impossible


    Bot I wouldn't say impossible. It he recorded the map data he needs, and then grabs the data from his own cache, I could see it working. Almost like a web walker, but instead of recording the entire map, just get regions you need.

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