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  1. Just wondering if its possible and if external libraries can be used with OsBot or if it has to be done in Native Java, thankyou
  2. Cheers guys, I must have only tried a small widget when I was testing interact. My mistake
  3. Was just wondering how I'd go about this. Just don't want to click the exact same location every single time as this may seem fairly obvious its a bot to a detection system. Cheers guys
  4. Sounds like you're doing really well so far! Best of luck. I'm following a similar goal to you and one bit that really interested me was making your own proxy server as I'd look to do that too. Could you give any pointers if you don't mind? Thanks
  5. I'm a complete noob at both of them. So i'll have some learning to do! Would I still be able to use the same FTP to host the database on?
  6. Hey guys so i'm in the process of creating an auto muler for private use yet could do with some help. I've currently tried: Starting another client by running a batch file from a script (Doesn't work as OsBot won't allow the execution of a batch file) Sending a .txt file to a ftp which I will then read from, enabling my bots to communicate with each other. I'm using an FTP from a minecraft server I used to run (So I may not have permission to change everything but can still add/delete files) The problem is when I try to connect to the FTP to move a file I get this error I've added a grant to java.policy (Still no luck) grant { permission java.net.SocketPermission "localhost:0", "listen,resolve"; }; My current code is if (progress == 0) { log ("Attempting to call muleaaaa"); String ftpUrl = "ftp://%s:%s@%s/%s;type=i"; String host = ""; String user = ""; String pass = ""; String filePath = "file:/C:/Users/admin/OSBot/data/test.txt"; String uploadPath = "logs/test.txt"; ftpUrl = String.format(ftpUrl, user, pass, host, uploadPath); log("Upload URL: " + ftpUrl); try { URL url = new URL(ftpUrl); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); OutputStream outputStream = conn.getOutputStream(); FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(filePath); byte[] buffer = new byte[5]; int bytesRead = -1; while ((bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer)) != -1) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } inputStream.close(); outputStream.close(); log("File uploaded"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); logger.error(ex); } As you can probably tell i'm not the most experienced in networking. Was just looking if anyone else has had this error (I've tried googling) If this is due to OsBot is a webserver (I'd have to look into how to do that) the next best way to set up an auto mule script? Thankyou!
  7. Hey guys! I've started learning scripting (Have made quite a few scripts of my own for personal use which work dynamically and pretty well) I was wondering from the more experienced scripters among the community, what are tips and tricks you learnt that made scripting more enjoyable, less time consuming, or just generally changed your way of doing something. Just thought I'd ask something about thought inspiring as well as having a thread new and aspiring scripters can look at for tips from more experienced scripters Thankyou guys for all your replies
  8. Thankyou both guys! One last thing... How do i make my bot walk? I understand (I think) how to set locations just not entirely sure how to make it move, i'll decompile some jars and look into that but I thought I might as well ask here too
  9. Thankyou JD-GUI is what is used with Eclipse right? If so, how does one work that?
  10. Alright thankyou! I sort of understand this with my basic one day knowledge of java so thankyou ! I made my first script and it ran for 1-2hours flawlessly (From what I can tell) until it ran out of materials
  11. I literally have no idea how to even withdraw, i've looked through some open source code on here but it just seems to parse an error whenever I stick it in my IDE EDIT: I think I understand how to withdraw now. However i'm not quite sure how the timer works [More how to set it up] Or just conditional sleep as that seems easier to use. Yet i'm not sure how use that either xD
  12. I literally went over this about 5-10 minutes after writing this post! The guide was really informative! Its more the fact I don't understand how to open banks reliably (Without spam clicking) etc which is more where I'm trying to learn stuff from. I've been looking at the API and picked up a bit but some of it still confuses me because not that many of them have understandable examples D: Also any idea why this isn't working? I guess i forgot to define its class (Or whatever its called) at the top of the project?
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