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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. Refunds don't go via scripters themselves directly. Please apply for one in the appropriate place on the forums . Sure thing. Trial granted .
  2. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  3. Is there any chance you could message me pertaining to this on Discord? Data might have been changed again. As for the harvesting of fruits prior to paying to have them removed; this is currently not supported. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  4. Looks like you've already had your trial in 2020. I've re-granted it now, giving you the benefit of the doubt.
  5. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  6. Hhm I'm not sure if I agree here. There are others who prefer for it to be the way it is now. As long as the item is the same and you simply want more of the item; you can queue a higher quantity for that same item in the queue, such that it acquires the points for all those quantities first. If your queue is all distinct items though, this will of course not work.
  7. V1.13 has been pushed . V1.13 Has been pushed. - Fixed missclicking spell in telekinetic room
  8. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  9. V1.12 Has been pushed. - Fixed missclicking spell in alchemy room You're most welcome. Please google all necessities, I don't know all of them by heart either .
  10. Will quickly push an update in regards to point 3. Point 2 I'm not entirely following though. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  11. Sure thing. Trial granted.
  12. It was about 12 hours so it expired. Gave you the benefit of the doubt and re-granted. Edit: it actually looks like you've already had your trial for this script once prior.
  13. Do you still need this trial? V2.38 has been pushed in an attempt to resolve this. Let me know if it works once live.
  14. Apologies for the delay. All trials granted.
  15. I think you've somehow replied to the incorrect thread here. I'm afraid that right now I'm not able to look into adding them in. Feel free to send me a message on Discord concerning this, next week.
  16. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  17. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  18. The inventory spaces should be filled with your desired planks . As per the startup instructions;
  19. Please make sure to carefully follow the startup instructions . Once you set it up correctly, it'll work as intended.
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