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  1. Looking to get back into scripting, here is the last script I made. I was just wondering if I could get some constructive criticism. http://pastebin.com/ixpqLkfa All help/opinions are appreciated
  2. Fugz

    PC 71 cb main

    does have registered email and it hasn't done any of the important quests
  3. None of my accounts are banned so far
  4. Fugz

    fastest 99?

    Fletching all the way haha
  5. Description: Teleports to various location to gain you Magic EXP Features: - Can Teleport to: Varrock Lumbridge Falador House Camelot Ardougne Watchtower Trollheim Ape Toll Kourend Bounty Target - Checks for runes before every cast to prevent it idling when you run out of runes. Instructions: - Put the script in the OSBot/Scripts folder. - Start script with runes in your Inventory and relax Found any bugs or have some suggestions? Please post them below. Proggies: (post them below if you have some) (Couldn't afford a longer one xD) Download: Here! Update Log Version 0.2 (26/01/2016) Added: - Teleport to House - Teleport to Kourend - Teleport to Bounty Target - Script now ends and logs out if you don't have the required runes.
  6. Fair point, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks
  7. So recently I've noticed people saying not to use custom Anti-Bans like this: (Credits to: Buitenspel ) For those who are against it, What would you recommend to do instead?
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