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Everything posted by Deceiver

  1. dont want to run to GE after buying tuts? buy from me and save YOUR OWN TIME!
  2. getInventory().dropAllExcept(item -> item.getName().contains("fishing", "bait", "air rune"));
  3. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/50019-understanding-the-forum-ranks/
  4. online and in stock! dont want to run to GE after buying tuts? buy from me and save YOUR OWN TIME!
  5. proxy; 1 each (can usually buy packs of 5 at places) 1/2 accs on ONE proxy mirror uses too much resources to run 3 accounts with.
  6. online and in stock! dont want to run to GE after buying tuts? buy from me and save YOUR OWN TIME!
  7. Just cause i play legit on a few accounts doesn't mean i dont bot : ^) slayer grind begins
  8. idk man i just copied them from sythe
  9. osrsrf2014 - Unlocks an alternate Home Teleport animation. runefest17 - Unlocks the Runefest shield.
  10. you should be fine on osb/konduit/rl
  11. 2 day/48 hour bans are more of a 'grace' ban in the since you got caught but are given a 'chance' to not bot again if you are caught again, you are permed. to minimize a perm ban; dont bot on the acc anymore
  12. Deceiver

    Tutorial islen

    englis por favor FREE TUTORIAL ISLAND https://osbot.org/forum/topic/84213-explvs-tutorial-island-free-random-characters/
  13. and you didnt report anything...?
  14. zzz been a bit busy with a few exams, just been afkin sandies, almost 60 str ^^^ xx
  15. download java download jarfix run jarfix run osbot
  16. make a proper service thread if you'd like to provide services.
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