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Everything posted by AngryKey

  1. 2.5.38 mirror mode npc.getInteracting() myPlayer.getInteracting() Causes the script to loop abnormally(Probability) (2.5.35 stable) Return to work: activated RandomEvents and Autologin and WelcomeScreen
  2. win7 x86 I did a lot of experiments. Found a problem in the comparison String... Int... may have an error !!! inventory.interact("Eat","Lobster","Shark") //Mirror Client disappear ! high probability inventory.interact("Eat","Shark")||inventory.interact("Eat","Lobster") //everything is normal
  3. Thanks again!!!!
  4. thank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank thankthank
  5. perfect!!!!!!!
  6. 1.Boss exists, I will logout 2.Wait 10 minutes // The script sleeps for 10 minutes while it is running. 3.login again 4.Attack other monsters 5.Boss exists, I will logout (repeat)
  7. Any method can be! help!!!!
  8. NPC monster=this.npcs.closest("boss"); if(monster!=null&&!myPlayer().isUnderAttack()){ this.logoutTab.logOut();//logout } hello! but will automatically login I want it to wait for a while to login what should I do.
  9. public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { NPC monster=npcs.closest("monster"); if(monster.isVisible()){ Time=System.currentTimeMillis(); logoutTab.logOut;//logout game } return 0; } public void onStart() { bot.getRandomExecutor().registerHook(new RandomBehaviourHook( RandomEvent.AUTO_LOGIN) { public boolean shouldActivate() { if(this.client.getLoginStateValue()==10&&System.currentTimeMillis()-Time>20000){//Delay login return true; } return false; } }); } Before 2.4.96 is perfect. 2.4.99 Removed "RandomBehaviourHook". What should I do?(please give the sample)
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