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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. It's about time. What was the problem?
  2. whats your r-s name? i wanna neg you.

  3. Bythex

    Que estas haciendo ?

  4. Bythex

    What's up

  5. return stops the whole loop which stops the thread, if you want me to take a picture of me testing this than I could go ahead.
  6. You're stopping the thread from running ever again unless you're restarting it constantly .. lol
  7. return stops the whole method from continuing lol, I think you meant to use continue ... even in a loop it will stop
  8. My comment was pointing out how you synchronize an object that has methods that synchronizes for you yes because this piece of code if (phasers.isEmpty()) return; will permit you to run a task again after the first time lol, does anyone even really test this type of stuff ?
  9. HTML5 introduces new things for Jagex to work with since it is a pretty recent language + they're finally moving away from a client build that has just been update revision after revision lol. You could just imagine how hard it is to work with it now
  10. Why do you call the actual remove method inside that loop for? That will just throw a modification error on the next loop. Disregarding that, you won't be able to add another inner class inside the phaser if you were to attempt on adding another timed event like that lol private List<Phaser> phasers = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<Phaser>()); public synchronized List<Phaser> getPhasers() { return phasers; } What's the point of synchronizing a list that has methods that are all synchronized lol Also, you should know that the main thread and this thread would go off sync if an event is added after which would delay some actions (would be better if you ran this off the main thread to prevent this), did you even think this code through? 0/10 would not use
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