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Toph last won the day on January 19 2014

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  1. hey, could you re-upload the agility script please? Also, need to speak with you

  2. Where you at?

  3. Blue like the moon

    1. Toph


      White like me mooning you.

  4. There is one but I don't believe it checks for actual offers, and therefor if there's an item with a price of 1,000,000 but that's only people selling, no one buying, it will still return that (incorrect) result.
  5. If you can extend it to check for buy/sell, and only if there's recent offers, and alch prices, that'd make it a lot more usable. That's what I do for my Slayer script
  6. hyuehehehehuiehiehiehiehi

    1. Pandemic



  7. Just do the quest yourself. There's no way you're going to make a script good enough to complete it without doing it once.
  8. Toph

    BETA v1.7.72

    Please update the prayerTab methods. All the interface values of prayers has changed. Configs are the same, though.
  9. That's something IPBoard does. I don't know how much osbot has control over that.
  10. Why comic sans is the real question.
  11. I'm not suggesting this, but it's possible that that site stores submitted usernames and passwords, so here's what it outputs: @echo off C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -Dhttp.proxyHost=ip -Dhttp.proxyPort=port -jar -Xmx256m Osbot.jar Put an ip for "ip", port for "port", and replace Osbot.jar with your correct jar file. Save it as a .bat file.
  12. This would be better if instead of just one rectangle destination (not sure what skill that one is for), you supported them all so they could be like hoverSkill(Skill.ATTACK)
  13. hhheueheuehhehuehue

  14. @Parameter is really that one guy who made java n whatnot and hes just testing us to see if we can transcend to the heavesn llike he has. this stuff realy makes me think at night
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