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  1. This is how Java was made. All done on the TI83+.
  2. Parse html parse tags output, what's the advanced part?
  3. There is no possible way you can make a bot Wrong. He is right, you've got no idea what's in with creating a bot.
  4. http://www.howsecureismypassword.net Let alone the salted one.
  5. Sorry mate, it looked to me like you said "you don't know shit about this" because I hadn't updated this. Misinterpret it, my dearest apologies .
  6. It turns into an NPC. See the rock's name change to yellow as if you hover an NPC.
  7. The moment I jumped into this I knew absolutely nothing about C(++). As I wrote above, I'll be as noob-friendly as I can be since in the days I tried to learn it there was no noob-friendly resource. So yeah, just jump right in. I'll even be glad to help you out if something won't work
  8. I love this community. It's nice, really. So I thought I could finally write my guide on developing an OS since RuneServer is full of This guide will most likely become huge. I'll try to cover it all as noob-friendly as I can get, so it might take a lot of time. Just be patient while I make edits to this Index Setting up a Ubuntu box Getting the development cycle ready ??? Profit 1. Setting up a Ubuntu box Developing an operating system can be done easily on Windows. However, the procedure is so much longer and more complicated that we're better off setting up a virtual machine with Ubuntu. I chose Ubuntu because I personally love the GUI, you may select any other linux distro. If you're new, just follow along with what I do. 1.1 Getting VMWare In order to have a virtual machine run in Windows, you'll need an application to do so. I chose VMWare because it was the first one I ever heard of and therefor the only one I am used to. VirtualBox would work fine too, pretty sure. VMWare is a paid application, but there could be a chance you could find it on a torrent site. Not sure though, so you could buy it like I did lolno or use any other alternative of obtaining it, like robbing a store. Installation should be a simple process like every other application you install. 1.2 Getting the distro Since we'll be using the Ubuntu linux flavour, I'll cover how we obtain it. You can just google 'Linux Mint' or such if you want any other distro to be used. Since Ubuntu is free, piracy of it is allowed. Therefor I take the liberty of providing a link to this. If I am against the rules (which I doubt I am) you may remove the link. http://kuiken.co/torrent/8384713/Ubuntu_12.10_Quantal_Quetzal_(32_bits) I've given you a torrent link since I figured it's way faster than the direct one. If you want to try out the direct one instead, use this: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso Downloading it shouldn't take too long. If it does, just be patient. It'll be worth it! 1.3 Adding the distro to VMWare Now that you have both the distro and the virtual machine (in this case VMWare), you're ready to proceed! VMWare has a very nice wizard that aids you in adding an .iso to the machine. Let's do this together. In VMWare, go to File -> New Virtual Machine []@Maxi/Zach/Laz/Kati: Do not remove this yet, please. It's going to be a big project done out of love.
  9. Awe, shame on you! I still have my retro purple one in my drawers with games like Jungle Book and such haha.
  10. Hello guys This is a fun little project I've been working on the past weeks, on and off. It represents an emulator of the Zilog Z80 CPU inside the GameBoy Color. Currently it's missing a lot of opcodes, but does it's job. You might be interested in this if you want to get into the emulator scene. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f6e854c094b99ffbfdd5 Note: I haven't included all files, because it isn't a finished emulator so it's just to make you see how the basics work and eventually write your very own simple one! Resources: Opcode Map - http://imrannazar.com/Gameboy-Z80-Opcode-Map GameBoyProgrammingManual.pdf (Can't remember how I got this ) Gameboy Bios Disassembled - http://www.its.caltech.edu/~costis/cgb_hack/gbc_bios.txt Have fun! & Mods/Admins: this is completely legal. It's everywhere around the net, even in the most popular forums or stackoverflow. As long as I don't share a rom
  11. Would be fun if someone would purchase the domain now lol.
  12. If Groovy compiles to bytecode, how can it be a step backward?
  13. ... Did you realise that Groovy compiles to bytecode? Plus, it's syntax is almost completely identical to Java. I don't see the problem...
  14. Kony montana

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