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  1. thanks but ive searched for an hour now and i can't seem to find it.. i've come up with this but it doesnt have the method IsOperateCamera() WebWalkEvent webWalkEvent = new WebWalkEvent(new Position(x,y,z));
  2. but walking event is not the same as the webwalker? isn't webwalker like the new way of pathing within osbot?
  3. can this be executed while it is webwalking?
  4. Hey folks im noticing that the webwalker almost never uses the camera when it comes to walking/interacting gates/doors, i thought there was a boolean to use camera? do you guys think this increases banrate? thanks
  5. i got it working now thank you people
  6. right! thanks does this look better? @Override public void onMessage(Message m) { if(chatbox.contains(MessageType.GAME, "You do not have enough")) { log("We do not have enough."); stop(); } }
  7. Ow i thought the onMessage() only read gamechat and not public chat. anyway thanks for the information i didn't notice i hadn't put any brackets now i think this will fix it, but is there a cleaner way? @Override public void onMessage(Message m) { if (m.getMessage().contains("You do not have enough") && dialogues == null) { log("We do not have enough."); stop(); } }
  8. Hi all, i can't figure out why my script just nulls and logs out whenever i get the diagram of leveling up. I've tried with and without the enum DIALOGUE but makes no difference. this is the error: [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 03:27:46 PM]: Terminating script MagicTrainer... [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 03:27:46 PM]: MagicTrainer Exited. [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 03:27:46 PM]: Script MagicTrainer has exited! [ERROR][Bot #1][10/08 03:27:46 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ro:134) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Would appreciate any help. thank you!
  9. sold main to MalikDz all accounts sold, enjoy
  10. sold pure to Ausfahrt main still for sale ^^
  11. still haven't sold anything, no responses.. back for sale :P
  12. yeah sure i can do that, what is your skype? i can't send private messages i think its broken or something 20m and its yours if you wanna talk on skype please leave your skypename here, i tried to pm you but messages seems to be down
  13. 40m for both, could u reply back? need to know if you want them before i sell them apart noted will sell to you tomorrow or tonight if no one else is interested
  14. think thats a bit to low for these stats, i know it has a ban but still, i will let both accounts go for 40m thanks
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