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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Lucy

  1. Just because you are trying to re-add me on skype and talk to me, please just stop, I WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU TO MY SERVICE. That was not your service, I was a Middleman and I try to keep a safest trade. I have opinions and as everybody else. So please get your facts straight and leave me alone.

  2. I'm not trying to ruin or bash anything, he is the one butthurt and because I was mm a 10m trade, so it was not my service and I was not trying to take it away from you. And being outcasted on a site is considered as a offsite ban. You should atleast refund them because you couldn't keep your password safe. If I got hacked, I woulnt blame the other person and don't do anything about it like you are doing. You are getting sued for internet fraud and iwish I could protest against you because I believe you are a scammer.

  3. member: @karim8
    explanation: He told me on skype that he is banned of a site called "www.rswinkel.nl" He said his account "got hacked" and the people scammed that were on his account. Over 1k+ $$, on one of the days a guy sued him for "internet fraud" Some of the convos were when we were skype talking. 

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