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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Lucy

  1. He was a good guy, just got a little stupid, which we all have done before. I wouldn't mind him being back if he didn't cost us 1,000's of dollars. If he refunds 3,000 dollars he can come back.


    vet pls

    Was it local or sdn scripts? If it was sdn then it should have been caught before it was pushed to users.


    edit btw where can i apply for veteran considering i joined before you biggrin.png


    edit 2 i found the thread and posted

    me 2222222 <3

  2. To me, it's too easy to get now adays.

    It's an overrated cape, and just about anyone can get it. 

    But, nevertheless, Congrats

    Its my favorite one due to the fact of that it takes some time to get. :)

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