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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Lucy

  1. I find it very interesting that Lucy replies with:


    There are really only two possible outcomes to this scam report.  Either the mods decide that Lucy is guilty of scamming me, or the mods decide that I am trying to frame Lucy.  I feel like someone actually innocent would have replied way differently.  Instead she replies in a way where basically she is saying: If the mods find me guilty I will refund everything (minus the items I can't prove she stole of course) and get to keep my osbot account(still makes some profit and doesn't get banned).  Or if the mods find her not guilty she gets to walk off with all of my stuff and no banned account.  This is really a win win situation for her.

    Interesting? I think that this is just a joke for you. I said that I will refund because I love osbot and spend a lot of time on it, I do not want to get banned for something I have not done. If I am found guilty, I will be banned, why are you trying to ruin a users reputation who trys to help people and see them improve.

  2. @Lucy, have you ever logged on the account? Did you ever see the money and chins?

    @Loggedout, can you provide proof of when the 4 images were uploaded to puush? You can see upload times of puush by right clicking the puush icon. The best way to see this might be through teamviewer, if you want to teamview so I can check add me: eliot.osbot


    no period after osbot

    I have not logged on the account at all and I never saw his money or chins.

  3. http://prntscr.com/4zs1fy









    To answer @Loggedout question, I had left in the middle of talking to him due to irl and grabbed my phone and that is how I was still talking to him, I came back in 2 hours and saw that he pmed me that he got scammed. How can I scam when I never logged in to the account.

  4. CS:GO not working on windows 7 64-bit



    I recently purchased CS:GO and I try to open but screen goes black then closes, and when I try to reopen, it says its already running. I have tried to run it in safe mode, did not work, I verified game cache, ran steam as admin, changed the compatibility on CS:GO. Please help if you know how to fix this problem.

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