Hey guys, long time lurker here. Heading out of Oldschool (finally) and to help me quick I'm gonna try shift my account. Before I do I just wanna see what sort of price I should be looking a for it so any help is appreciated! The account will have a bond on it for membership to be redeemed at the buyers discretion.
95 Combat. I got the Quest Cape at 85 and have a few pictures of it that I can give with the account
Every single quest done including the newly released Monkey Madness II and as such, access to all quest items/areas/rewards including Fairy Rings, Lunars, Ancients, and much more.
Every skill has been trained manually, never done an ounce of botting and always played on OSBuddy so I have a picture of every single skill up or quest I've completed (as it takes them automatically) that I can also provide in a zipped file with the account.
Firecape, Barrows gloves, Torso, the ability to make Slayer Rings and more. Just some of the untradeables the account has - less time you'll need spend gathering them
I normally take OSBuddy's price guides with a pinch of salt. However, I'm certain I have at least 50m on the account (OSBuddy is prone to lowballing as well, so there could be well over 60m). I can price check everything using the GE if anyone wants a dead on amount but I'm happy to call it 50m.