Server: NA/LAN
Rank: Diamond 2
Experience?: Started end of season 3, got placed bronze. Now I'm up here in <2 years.
Have you used scripts: When I was stuck in D5 I was about to give up and suicide my account by looking for scripts. Determination stopped me from googling "lol scripts". I hate scripters because I've been vs. a lot of them.
Do you still use scripts: ^
Exceling role(s): Jack of all trades, though top/mid if I had to choose 2.
Boosting up until: Diamond 5 (maybe 4)
Time available (EST): 3PM-11PM weekdays and all day weekends (EST).
How long have you played for: Late 2013-Present
Would you be willing to spectate a random game with me and give me a rundown pre-promotion? ( Not required): Sure.
Fill out using 10 - 50 words.
What makes you more qualified than the other applicants:
I've been boosting for 2 years, and I would like to work for someone that has traffic in boosting.
When a loss occurs during a boost, what should you do?:
Losses happen to everyone, I won't lose my focus.
Hi, I'm Asuna, your fearless leader. If you disagree with me on something, how do you go about it:
Give my opinion on it, compromise nonetheless.
Tell me about yourself:
I've remained in high elo for a long time and have elo boosted for more than half of my league career. Notably I have a top Gnar guide (~500k views) and have played with numerous amounts of professional players. Also made darshan go 0/10 ;)