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Trade With Caution
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About wink180

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    The only place to be
  • Interests
    I love to bot RS

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  1. It is happening to me as well as shinigami's and half off the people on osbot big suprise something else goes wrong right?
  2. wink180

    VIP status?

    its a glitch when you buy vip and sponsor just message catastrophe or master chief
  3. beastly beta means it is just in its testing phase /facepalm...
  4. Autowin GG WP [6:11:52 PM] Shinigami s: Ok, I have a plan on how to make $350,000 between the 6 of us. [6:11:55 PM] Shinigami s: Are you interested in what it is? [6:11:58 PM] brent mccowan: HOW LOL [6:12:01 PM] brent mccowan: shit caps [6:12:02 PM] brent mccowan: my bad [6:12:10 PM] Shinigami s: Basically, you sort out ammunition. [6:12:15 PM] Shinigami s: Derek sorts out the routes. [6:12:23 PM] Shinigami s: Goldengate is the distractor. [6:12:32 PM] Shinigami s: Furysangel is a random guy [6:12:37 PM] Shinigami s: We all rob a bank [6:12:40 PM] Shinigami s: You in? [6:12:43 PM] Shinigami s: Derek you in? [6:12:45 PM] Shinigami s: Furysangel? [6:12:48 PM] Shinigami s: Unbound? [6:12:50 PM] Shinigami s: goldengate? [6:12:50 PM] brent mccowan: yup [6:12:53 PM] brent mccowan: lets do it [6:13:06 PM] Shinigami s: Kk, we will meet up in the Blue Moon Inn [6:13:14 PM] Shinigami s: And make our way through Varrock centre. [6:13:42 PM] Shinigami s: Once we are near the Grand Exchange, goldengate shouts out "I've ejaculated prematurely again!" [6:14:04 PM] Shinigami s: At that point, Furysangel uncovers his cloak to reveal that he is not a civilian, but he actually has a dark bow [6:14:13 PM] Shinigami s: So he specs the security guard with a 48+48 [6:14:29 PM] Shinigami s: Then, you trade all of us an age each [6:14:32 PM] Shinigami s: With dragon bolts [6:14:38 PM] Shinigami s: Because you are the ammunitions guy [6:14:49 PM] Shinigami s: At that point, we take whatever we want from the G.E [6:15:00 PM] Shinigami s: Anyone who tries to stop us, we spec them out [6:15:06 PM] Shinigami s: Don't loot them, because they will probably be noobs [6:15:13 PM] Shinigami s: Are we all clear on what the plan is? [6:15:24 PM] brent mccowan: im fucking dieing oh my fucking god im dieing
  5. I honestly don't mind paying as I have no idea how to set up any of them or the first things about them they work great even and its a different IP every time no bans yet been using it for a long time
  6. I have a feeling this won't end well lol
  7. I have played since burning crusade hit me up sometime :PP
  8. msg a admin or mod and provide proof i guess
  9. r000ffffll make more "whats a scrub" when your dick comes inside our and out your belly button roofffflll
  10. just go to coolrom.com and use thier best emulator I personally use Dolphin (gamecube) pcsx2(PS2) and SuperN(Nintendo64) I have a plethora of games I play like that on my pc :PP
  11. no lmaaaooo the script challeges someone and when it goes to duel it apparently starts spaaming your username I don't see he point or the logic in it 0.o
  12. http://bit.ly/18VdMbX Use that site for all your homework help. The looks of those questions are like high school science ... lol goldengates is only 14 :PP
  13. l00000000000000000000000000llllllll but yea I know the feels
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