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Everything posted by splodge0007

  1. Would it be possible to add support to do the balloon method with being able to repair pouches through the abyss? Pures can't use Lunars :p
  2. Heres the progress report for you. Overall I'm quite happy with the v7.9 fixes. Seems to be running flawlessly aside from running around the building, it takes about 30 seconds to fix itself but it gets there. ​
  3. So far It's ran for 30 minutes aboslutely flawlessly. I'll keep it running as long as I can and post a proggy. Edit : It ran around the building with the ladder to Edge Dungeon and didn't seem to fix itself
  4. Could it be due to the client update itself to V2.4.29? I saw something in the update on the GUI about walking paths. Just some food for thought. Heres another log for you, same issue, same GUI almost the same spot It's stopped in too, thought I'd skip on the screenshot this time.
  5. The path finding issue is quite bad right now to the point where it isn't fixing itself. I just came home from being out for a couple hours to see this : Which tells me the script was stuck and put in a login/out loop for over an hour.
  6. Forgot to actually screenshot the proggy, but it ran for 7 hours averaging 350 orbs/hour. Quite happy with that with it being completely left to itself so it means we're headed in the right direction. The feedbacks no problem, just glad you're not taking it in a why isn't it working kind of why. I think realistically the only things that need looking into is the pathfinding. Sometimes the script will walk around the outside of the building when headed to the trapdoor to go into Edgevil dungeon, then just the walking through the druids, however that genuinely could be client side issues not script issues.
  7. Next issue is that the bot just stands in the druids from time to time, At 2 hp the bot kicked back in, ate a lobster (Although it was set to eat at 50hp) then teleported. Still though it eventually fixed itself which is great. I'm gonna try and run a 7+ hour proggy for you. Side note : Really impressed with how quickly teleporting happens now when attacked by a pker.
  8. Anyway, a v7.7 proggy, this is after intervieining every few hours while I'm at work setting it backup after deaths/standing still in edgevil. When the issues are fixed I fully expect it to get around ~450 orbs/hour.
  9. Teamviewed the script running while i was at work, currently still am. im aware that youre pushing 7.8 which should fix the issues, however it seems when the bot died, if you just re-equip the glory it starts to run again, i dont know if that would have been overlooked, but just a heads ip anyway.
  10. Excellent Molly, thank you for a quick fix.
  11. For some reason it won't let me edit a post. It died and stood in lumbridge again. ​ Again (Maybe character limit? )
  12. Or when dying, just standing at lumbridge for hours on end Although at the same point in time, when theres no outside interference and it doesn't do the banking "Glitch" It's pretty flawless.
  13. Bought it earlier on, I'm having an issue with banking after teleporting. Seems to just idle at the edge teleport spot until I click on the screen to move towards the bank then the script seems to kick back in and do the banking part. It's not on mirror mode, forgot to take a screenchat of the GUI, but all it had was runtime : 11 mins and status : banking. It wasn't in mirror mode. Edit happened again heres the log : That's where it stays at until I move it myself.
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