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Everything posted by Swedens

  1. Hey I’m happy to answer, my fault I didn’t post this on the first page. Very busy irl right now as I guess many people are this time of the year. Merry christmas everybody!
  2. Yes, I build the accounts faster and I see no big difference in profits with ranged and Magic combined. From 60/60/60 I do 100% NMZ. Before that crabs. Scroll back some pages to find answers to most of your questions. Prayer levels that I have right now is working just fine, but yes, higher is better, as always. This
  3. Depends, I just want to have my 8 hours per day, per account. But around 2-3 hours maybe?
  4. I only do around 4h, break, 4h. Which should be around 100-110 kills per day. Thanks man! And yes, I have started muling now since the gear im using on all accounts are worth more than 50m. So yeah I guess its something I have to accept, even though the chances of getting banned increases.
  5. Thanks alot man, glad you are reading all about it Hey thanks man! I would suggest getting a bond on the account as fast as possible, and probably some private combat scripts. I always start off with chickens, cows, sand crabs and after base 60 I do NMZ. Yes, I only kill zulrah with magic. Thanks man! And you said it yourself brother, f2p is a dangerous world. Stay away from it Thanks G! Eyy thanks man!
  6. I would say 70 defence, 85 magic and probably around 75-80 range for it to be somewhat smooth. I don't use range though, that's personal preference.
  7. Currently 3 new accounts are being worked on. All are zulrah quested already! Current accounts that are killing zulrah right now, both with 1k+ kc. And last but not least, I have succesfully quashed one of my accounts that got banned a few weeks ago with the help of OO @NinjadGuy. Big shoutout to him, God bless you man. To sum things up, I am looking to have my quashed account ready for zulrah tomorrow again while the 3 new accounts probably will be ready within a week. Not to mention I have plans of creating 20+ accounts to be ready in January.
  8. I bought questing services and I let them use my proxies on their computers I don't train range because I kill zulrah with mage only! I will post a big update later today, dont forget to drop by later and check it out
  9. Any muling is dangerous in my eyes. I will let these 2 bad boys run as long as they can, if I get an order I sell directly from it. before I got banned on 3 accounts it was 16h per day at some points. Now I'm doing around 10h. Depends on each day. I take it easy during weekends and thursdays.
  10. I am very sceptic to using mules as I think it increases chances of getting banned. But yeah, when I do get banned it hurts alot.
  11. Small update. Currently rebuilding bank to buy new accounts and/or make 3-4 new ones.
  12. I did not have 10k on it, it was 6k kc. Total loss was around 11k kc on all 3 accounts together.
  13. I will post an update tonight. Both account had their first zulrah kills yesterday. All on different proxies. Ah well, jagex did a great job and took out alot of bots yesterday. Just gotta keep going
  14. I will once I get a few accounts up and running and cash stack starts adding up.
  15. That’s correct. But I recieved very bad news today. 3/3 accounts that was running are banned this morning around 1pm. Around 160m in gear and supplies was lost today, and I’m not including the account value which is around 100m per account. Luckily have 2 accounts zulrah ready.
  16. I'm not exactly sure right now since I spread all the profit for now to all 5 accounts. But I have around 10000kc and each 1k kills is minimum 60m pure profit. Yes, that's the whole idea with this project. It's easy to bot a zulrah account, it's hard to make them youself efficiently. First ban wave I did it on regular items for profit, moved on from that to MTA enchanting for better XP but instead a loss of money instead (also got me 48h bans doing so as well) Will come soon Quite a few things IRL that has to be done first. I'm just checking in now to reply I haven't even started yet ;)
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